6th July 2016 ASE Sheffield STEM Teachmeet

ASE & Sheffield Institute of Education

STEM TeachMeet for All Key Stages


Wednesday 6th July 16.30-18.30 (16:00 refreshments)

Centre for Science Education,9th Floor, Owen Building

Sheffield Hallam University

Howard Street Sheffield S1 1WB



What is a Teachmeet?


It is an informal and enjoyable gathering of those curious about teaching and learning. Anyone can share great ideas they've trialed in their classrooms, a teaching resource they love, a great website, a classroom activity - whatever you like! You can ask questions or simply turn up to soak up all the great ideas and enthusiasm.  It is about being engaged and inspired by our immediate colleagues and gaining a lot of of networking to boot!


There will be refreshments provided and ideas a plenty.



What can you do?

You can come along to chat, listen, or meet new people. Or if you want to present you can sign up to do a 2 to 5 minute micro-presentation in a format of your choice. You do not have to present but please sign up or email and let us know if you are a willing talker or a lurker.



Telling Others

Please tell other STEM teachers about the event. If you've been to a TeachMeet before, aim to bring along someone who hasn't.


How to get there


Download directions... here.


Tags and Twitter

Please use Twitter and other Social Media to publicise this event. We're going to use the tag #tmase - include that whenever your write or post anything about an ASE TeachMeet.


Please sign up either to present, or simply be inspired, so that we know approximate numbers for refreshments. Don't be limited by the number of spaces in each section!



2 to 10 minute micro:


Add your name and what you may talk about below. It could be about stuff that has happened in the classroom. Don't worry if it is just about showcasing a product, a piece of software, free or otherwise, or a tool or a strategy to improve learner interest or engagement or for teachers' professional learning.


  1.  James O'Neill (@phys1cs) "A4 Paper Physics"



Those coming to be inspired:


Add your name below:


  1. Louise Marsden 





Event contact
James O'Neill

Email: james@phys1cs.net 

Twitter: @phys1cs


Sign Up!


How to edit this page:

If you're looking to sign up to attend or present, then add yourself using the instruction below or e-mail James O'Neill james@phys1cs.net with your details.


Click the EDIT tab at the top of this page - you'll be prompted to login.

Note that the PBwiki system has changed, so either:

  1. create a PBworks account, which is quick and simple, and login; or

  2. alternatively you can login using the limited guest account - username guest password teemhcaet

Return to this page and click the EDIT tab

Add your name to the bottom of the appropriate list (with a link to your Twitter page or blog so others can follow you, plus a sentence on what you're going to be presenting on)

Click the Save button at the foot of the page...That's it!