
TeachMeet NE London 2 2009 - Havering LA @ CEME

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TeachMeet NE London 2 2009 - Havering LA @ CEME

The ICT event you will not want to miss!

Date: Tuesday 31st March 2009  Time: 6:00pm- 9:30pm (starting promptly at 6.00pm)


Venue: London Borough of Havering Learning and Development Centre CEME Campus Marsh Way Rainham, Essex RM13 8EU

Listen to the Master of Ceremonies and representatives of the organisers talking about it here...



Read the accompanying article in the latest edition of Terry Freedman's "The Educational Technology Site: ICT in Education"





Terry Freedman (Master of Ceremonies) Dave Smith (Havering), Anthony Evans (Redbridge)








Flashmeeting available for 20 participants from 5.30pm today.

Join in here




More and more presenters have signed-up! Delegates from across London and SE England!

Then why not sign-up for a breakout session?

Checkout the list of raffle prizes!



...Free shuttle bus available between Dagenham East Tube to CEME to Dagenham East Tube 5pm-11pm

kindly sponsored by Avermedia...

...Free food and refreshments kindly sponsored by excellent, high-profile

Global Links:- All raffle proceeds to help rebuild a Cuban School destroyed by Hurricane Ike in 2008

TeachMeet NE London 2009 featured in Cuban newspaper!  More to follow...



How do I register?

1. Click "Log In" at the top right-hand side of the page

2. Enter the user name: guest password:teemhcaet 

3. Type your name under the relevant list, include a link to your school or LA wesbite, blog or portal

4. Click Save at the bottom left-hand corner

Please email dsmith.havering@lgfl.net if you have problems registering.



TeachMeet NorthEast London 2 hosted by Havering LA @ CEME


YouTube plugin error



Hosted by the Havering ICT Team

·         Penny Patterson – General Inspector ICT

·         Amanda Jackson – ICT Consultant and Curriculum Advisor

·         Nesha Sadheura – ICT Consultant and Curriculum Advisor

·         Dave Smith – ICT Consultant and Curriculum Advisor

Working with and supported by the Redbridge Primary  ICT Team

·       Anthony Evans Primary ICT Consultant


Master of Ceremonies:

Terry Freedman - Independent ICT Consultant and former Chair of Naace



What is Teachmeet?

TeachMeet is a chance for us to share what has and is effective, exciting and innovative technology in our schools in an informal environment.

Those of us who have attended a TeachMeet before have found them to be inspirational and a great form of CPD.

You may want to look at previous TeachMeets including:

·         TeachMeet BETT 2009

·         TeachMeet NE London – @ Redbridge 2008

Also, read Anthony Evan's blogpost http://redbridgeprimaryit.blogspot.com/ 

If you come for the evening, then you can either present (see below), or just listen to inspiring presentations on ICT in schools.


How to get to the London Borough of Havering Learning and Development Centre at CEME

Click to open a map - which includes public transport links

We hope that there will also be a online broadcast of the event via Flashmeeting. If you are interested in organising this please email dsmith.havering@lgfl.net

  • You will not be expected to sit through long presentations.
  • We invite anyone to contribute their experiences with technology in their schools through means of micropresentation (seven minutes long) or a nano presentation (two minutes long).


Who can come?

Anyone involved in education. You do not have to be a consultant, adviser or coordinator, in fact we'd love to hear from those that are actually doing it in the schools and classrooms. This event is for both primary and secondary.  

What can you do?

You can come along to loiter, contribute, chat, meet new people, or give a talk.

Rules for Talks

·         Please make sure that what you're showing has actually been done in your classroom/school or a classroom/school of a colleague - this isn't blue skies, this is right here, right now, real ICT in action.

·         No sales talks please

·         If you're using the web, make sure you save a copy of your tabs in Firefox, just in case it all goes down. ScrapBook is a great add-on to do this easily.

You can show short video clips or images of technology in your school, but please no Powerpoints.

  • Choose between micro-presentations, these last up to seven minutes or Nano Presentations which last up to two minutes
  • There will be no strict running order, rather speakers will be chosen at random, using the electronic fruit machine and administered by the MC
  • You must register for the event, even if you do not intend to speak
  • Please publicise by displaying the logo where you can and linking back to this page.

Join the event via Flashmeeting (online conference)

If you would like to manage this please contact dsmith.havering@lgfl.net

Facebook Page now live – TeachMeet NorthEast London 2 2009 – Havering LA



Find us on Facebook


 Flickr Group for this and other NEL events



MiniNotes (15 minutes) - Presenters have been specifically invited by the Organisers and are guaranteed to speak

  1. Drew Buddie - 'The Digital Maverick' - Using New Tools to Engage All
  2. Tom Barrett - Mr Barrett there is glue on my Laptop
  3. Terry Freedman
  4. Edith Yr9 :-)
  5. Max Wainwright - Zen and Cupcakes
  6. Ollie Bray



Could we remind all presenters of the rules for talks below, please also consider whether you need up to 7 minutes or just 2 minutes - these may end-up being presented as breakout sessions.  Watch this space for the schedule - coming soon...

7 Minute Micro Presentations - please add your name and presentation title below

TO EDIT THIS PAGE: Enter the user name: guest password:teemhcaet 

  1. Anthony Evans - Redbridge Primary ICT - Collaboration Collaboration Collaboration
  2. Nicholas Hughes - Redbridge Primary ICT and AST - Don't know yet, something to do with ??
  3. Daniel Needlestone - twitter - Something with VLEs, ICT, multimedia tbc. Definitely not gardening though.
  4. Noelio Flores- Teacher from Banes, Cuba. - After Ike.
  5. Tom Whitehead- Havering LA - Food Faces: Respecting A Truely European Artist.
  6. Penny Patterson - Havering LA IT Inspector -Isn't nostalgia a wonderful thing

  7. The LGFL E-Safety Group, Katy Potts, Islington & Sharon Harrison, Barnet - Online Skills and E-Safety in the Primary Classroom

  8. Dawn Hallybone - Oakdale Junior School Redbridge - something to do with games based learning?

  9. Ollie Bray - Learning and Teaching Scotland (first gig in my new role) - twitter - Maps, Mashups and Milk Floats: making the most of Google Earth V5

  10. Debbie Forster- e-skills UK -MakeITHappy, CC4G, Big Ambition, Staff Room and Diploma Support, who could ask for more?

  11. Anjum Razaq and Simon White- Cleveland Junior School- something to do with blogger and maybe a little bit about 2diy

  12. Edward Upton - Founder, Teachable.net - encouraging teachers to share creative stuff for IWBs (happy to do a nano slot instead if 13 micros is too many!)

  13. Christina Preston - Will communities of practice replace CPD in digital technologies?

  14. Gary Trotter - Interactive whiteboard specialist - Hints 'n' tips for better classroom practice with the IWB

  15. Jerome Monahan – freelance teacher and writer:  ‘from the nave to the chops’ – active approaches to everything.


2 Minute Nano Presentations - please add your name and presentation title below

TO EDIT THIS PAGE: Enter the user name: guest password:teemhcaet 


  1. Tom Whitehead - Parklands Junior School, Havering LA - The Elephant and the Mouse - Pupils' clay animation
  2. Richard Millwood - two more minutes on Learners at the Centre also happy to help...
  3. Ayloff Primary School ICT Development Team, Havering LA - Preparing for tomorrow's future....Today!

  4. Leon Cych talking about the new BBC Open Lab site + the new Visual Learning Moodle free for teachers he has been working with with Theo Keuchel



Enthusiastic Lurkers- please add your name below


Please only add your name if you are going to be physically present at the event. It helps us gauge needs.

  1. Andrew Trimble  - Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames (Just been on CEOP training and seen what they do to lurkers!) - Might come up with a presentation by March - maybe a micro presentation on mobile learning
  2. Janet Chapman - Tower Hamlets 
  3. Dawn Hallybone - London Borough of Redbridge - ICT Co-ordinator - lurking at mo but happy to talk!
  4. John Sutton - will add myself to list of speakers when I think of something useful to say and when I can confirm I can make it. Twitter
  5. Leon Cych - Learn 4 Life (Twitter)
  6. Andy Knill - Bower Park School - Asistant Headteacher leading on all matters ict...
  7. Amanda Jackson - ICT Consultant & Teachmeet fan
  8. Nesha Sadheura - Havering LA ICT Consultant
  9. Kate Jensen (Twitter)- ICT Co-ordinator, Becontree Primary
  10. Peter McCarthy- Primary Strategy Manager- London Borough of Redbridge
  11. Barbara Kenlin - Campion School - Subject Leader for ICT
  12. Susan Mehmet - ICT Primary Adviser  - Barnet 
  13. Gillian Bratley - Advisory Teacher for Primary ICT - Barking & Dagenham
  14. Joanne Martin - ICT Subject Leader - ARC PRU
  15. Lisa Walters - ICT Subject Leader - Larchwood Primary School, Brentwood, Essex LA
  16. Lorna Quinn - Advanced Skills' Teacher - Larchwood Primary School, Brentwood, Essex LA
  17. Susan Allen - School Improvement Partner and Inspector - Havering Inspection and Advisory Service
  18. Michael Elliott- ICT Co-ordinator, Towers Junior School, Havering.
  19. Steve Taylor (Twitter) - Stripey Design, designer and developer of anithings
  20. Philip Rees Team Leader ICT, Oaks Park High School, London Borough of Redbridge
  21. Teresa Carter - ICT Coordinator, Parklands Junior School, Romford, LBH
  22. Stuart Ridout (Twitter) - Head of ICT - Stantonbury Campus
  23. Catherine Cauchies - Redden Court School - French & ICT teacher
  24. Jan Turk - Special guest of the HIAS ICT Team
  25. Ian Turk - Special guest of the HIAS ICT Team
  26. Matthew Turk - Official guest columnist to The Romford Recorder and www.haveringict.edublogs.org
  27. Nigel Hooton - ICT Leader - St Peter's Primary School - Havering.
  28. Leanne Bedford - Teacher - Oakdale Junior School - Redbridge
  29. Rikki Walker - ICT Technician - The Manor Primary School - Havering
  30. Lea Tyler - ICT leader Warren Primary School - Thurrock
  31. Stephen Saunders - Warren Primary School - Thurrock
  32. John Sullivan - Warren Primary School - Thurrock
  33. Jan Atkins - Engayne Primary School
  34. Carla Green - The Manor Primary School - Havering
  35. Gumaro Kurako - Auto Insurance Quotes -  Havering
  36. Jan Bennett - Tropical Lagoon Queen's Hospital
  37. Sue Sewell - Tropical Lagoon Queen's Hospital
  38. Sharon Harrison - ICT Curriculum Manager / Adviser, Barnet
  39. Malcolm Drakes - Deputy Headteacher - Hacton Primary School - Havering
  40. Katie Hart - 2Simple (and some cupcakes too)! 
  41. Wendi Skinner - ICT Support Teacher/Fairlop Primary School, Redbridge
  42. Debbie Forster-e-skills UK
  43. Isabella Martin - ICT Coordinator - Squirrels Heath Infant School - Havering
  44. Billy Jones - Administrator, LBH Learning & Development Centre
  45. John Schmitz - ICT Strategy Manager, Barnet
  46. Neil Adam - Beacon ICT - grandly termed "consultant" from the depths of Kent (Broadstairs)
  47. Stephen Leas - ICT Consultant - Medway LA
  48. Matt Pyrke, Head of ICT, Howard School, Medway
  49. Toni McLaughlin, ICT Teacher, Marshalls Park School, Romford
  50. Dee Williamson, ICT Co-ordinator, Marshalls Park School, Romford
  51. Troy Ellison, ICT Manager, New North Community School, Islington
  52. Carol Goreham, Foundation and KS1 coordinator,Newbury Park Primary,Redbridge 
  53. Vikki Read Reception class teacher La Salette School Rainham
  54. Sheila Crosby Year 1 class teacher La Salette School Rainham
  55. Merlin John agent4change.net
  56. Maureen McTaggart agent4change.net
  57. Mina Patel, Curriculum Consultant, LGfL www.lgfl.net
  58. Jon Dye KS2 ICT & Maths Coordinator, Newbury Park Primary, Redbridge
  59. Liz Mulcahy - Head Teacher- Larchwood Primary School, Brentwood, Essex LA

  60. Dave Smith - Havering LA ICT Consultant

  61. Emma Slater- ICT Coordinator, Sebright Primary School, Hackney

  62. Kimberley Rocknean - Primary Network Manager, Richmond Avenue Pimary School, Southend.

  63. Margy Bushell, Head, Parklands Infants School, Romford, LB Havering

  64. Alison Martin, ICT Co-ordinator, Parklands Infants School, Romford, LB Havering

  65. Nicola Johnson, SENCO, Parklands Infants School, Romford, LB Havering

  66. Morgan Bateman, Teacher, Parklands Infants School, Romford, LB Havering

  67. Lynn Stevens, ICT TA, Parklands Infants School, Romford, LB Havering

  68. Sam Curry, TA, Parklands Infants School, Romford, LB Havering

  69. Paula Falvey, TA, Parklands Infants School, Romford, LB Havering

  70. Karen Blow, TA, Parklands Infants School, Romford, LB Havering

  71. Kareim El-Jamal - Correspondent - WinkBall Education consultant

  72. Jan Kirkham - ICT Co-ordinator www.nrhs.redbridge.sch.uk

  73. John d'Abbro - Headteacher  www.nrhs.redbridge.sch.uk

  74. Gary Nott - Head Teacher Crownfield Junior School, LB Havering www.crownfieldjunior.co.uk

  75. Suzanne Nott - ICT Leader Crownfield Junior School, LB Havering www.crownfieldjunior.co.uk

  76. Sarah Steel - ICT Co-ordinator , Rise Park Infant School, Romford, LB Havering

  77. Jane Gardner _ ICT Teacher Redden Court School

  78. Samantha Woodger, Teacher Wells Primary, LB Redbridge

  79. Eric Averkiou - Education Video Producer - EA Media Solutions

  80. Megumi Atarashi - ELMO Co., Ltd.

  81. Lynn Bailey - ICT Technician, Redbridge Primary School, LB Redbridge

  82. Steven Smith (Twitter)  Islington Primary ICT Advisor (lacking inspiration for nano pres so have reverted to lurking...)

  83. Sandra Lee - ICT Co-ordinator, Mayespark Primary School, Redbridge

  84. Jane Rolfe, Wells Primary School, Redbridge

  85. Andy Black - Technology Manager - Becta

  86. Val Barker, Gearies Infant School, LB Redbridge

  87. Alison Seagrave, Parkhill Junior School, LB Redbridge

Visit the Facebook page for this event and show that you are coming, use this to connect with others.

Take photos, write blogs... but please tag them!

Tag your photos, videos and blog posts: teachmeetnel2


Getting to the CEME centre - click on the map below


Can you help?

Practical help is needed to help ensure the event runs smoothly. Can you offer your services? If so then please email dsmith.havering@lgfl.net  me asap!


We need: 

·         People to help with our bar and refreshments

·         Help with setting up and setting down after the event



If you are interested in sponsoring the event please email dsmith.havering@lgfl.net


http://philtaylor.org.uk/?p=1345Raffle to help rebuild a Cuban school - En Amistad

All raffle proceeds will go towards rebuilding Celia Sanchez Manduley School in Cuba – destroyed by Hurricane Ike in Autumn 2008



Sponsors -

Click on the logos for more information

 index_02.jpgThe Visualiser Forum

Tag Learning Educational Software for Schools


Raffle Prizes - so far include

visualiser from The Visualiser Forum, £150 of credit from CartridgeWorld Romford, 16GB iPod Nano from Toucan Computing - The Apple Education Specialists, Anithings site-licence from Stripey Design, TomTom SatNav unit from Granada Learning/schoolcentre.net, Wireless Slate from Network and Cabling Solutions, 17" TV Screen from Joskos - there will also be various items of software and hardware included in the raffle - the list is growing, the prizes are awesome! - latest prize addition - a homemade chocolate cake!


Something from Tag Learning -


NB. Images do not necessarily reflect final product in the raffle



As in the Scots event, we too would like all those Twitterers to add their names below

I follow some of you but not all, and I'd would like to monitor twitter activity as Friday night unfolds.


#teachmeetnel  would be a nice tag for those who remember, but the most important thing would be as fuller list as possible of usernames.


(Please feel free to add teachmeeters Twitter usernames in addition to your own. Save them the trouble?) Cheers,















1. Click "Edit Page" at the top of any page

2. Enter the password: teemhcaet

3. Type your name under the relevant list, include a link to your school or LA wesbite, blog or portal

4. Click Save  

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