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TeachMeet08 @ The Scottish Learning Festival 2008
tag: slf2008 teachmeet08
There seems to few tags floating about slf2008, teachmeet08 the twitter @TeachMeetAtSLF
LATEST NEWS - TeachMeet@SLF will take place from 6-9pm in the Forth room, under the Auditorium (Armadillo). Leith's@SECC will be providing a buffet and refreshments in the room, courtesy of two of our sponsors. Details of the TeachEat are further down this page.
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Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused. This is an informal gathering of those curious about technologies. Anyone can share cool ideas they have or great ideas they've trialled in their classrooms.
'What can you do?'
You can come along to linger, loiter, contribute, chat, meet new people, or 'give a seven minute talk' or a 'two minute nano presentation'.
Rules for the talk:
- It's only seven minutes long
- Your setup is part of the seven minutes
Seven minute micropresentations or roundtables
Add your name
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- Robert Jones - one IT suite one hour per week with a dozen 13 yr old mathematics students at levels B/C.
- Ian Stuart - A virtual presentation on using a wiki and skype to develop an international Sktechup Project will present via Skype from Islay..... hopefully. Changed to a very quick overview of what the hell's been happening in Islay High School over the last 3 years.Does anyone plan to be at Teachmeet, with a laptop and is on Skype? (I can be that person... would you like to use my machine as a conduit to the world? - Neil W)
- David Noble - Launch of the edonis project (educators online impact study)
- Saint Tropez Property for Sale- Find a property in Saint Tropez
- Ewan McIntosh - What 4iP could mean for educators
- Chris Smith - tour of International Schools Island in Second Life .. I'd be in S.L. .. depends on someone being able to connect and project (and time zone)... would you like to volunteer? (I'm happy to connect up for you, I'm Katherine Farrell in TSL and Katie Farina in SL, IM me :-)
- Neil Winton - What are we going to teach Johnny Bunko?
- Ollie Bray - Maps, Mashups and Milk Floats
- Security Services in London 2012 Olympic
- Alan Parkinson -"Meme me": NING networking for curriculum development in geography
- Joe Wilson - web2 life beyond school
- John Davitt - telling stories & making things - simple steps to foster the endorphins of enthusiasm
- John d'Abbro - Digital Creativity in BESD Schools
- Kate Farrell - teaching global science in New York using Second Life
- David Muir - Games on mobile phones.
- Derek P Robertson - The Scottish Schools' National Virtual Art Gallery
- John Griffiths- Kar2ouche in Gaelic - new resources from the Gaelic Resources Agency
- Theo Kuechel What can we learn from Canaletto?, contextualising digital assets with Learning Designs
- Andy Preston - web2 wide and worthless without harmony and help to find their talent
- Tom Barrett- Philips Entertaible
Two minute nano presentations
Add your name
- John Johnston ScotEduBlogs, past and future Get your data out.
- Jim McDougall Flickr, feedback and and formative assessment
- Andrew Brown - The 'Glow Games' - Glow goes viral?
- Adam Sutcliffe - Connecting with kids through Quicktime Pro and Bluetooth
- Jaye Richards ( using 'Animoto' for revision
- Stephen Thomas Multimedia-based cooperative learning activities
- Bob Hill Dundee Glow (Jonesiesboy's armtwisting)
- Louis Farrell - A short video demonstration of machinima using Scratch and iMovie
- Peter Harrington - "Dexter Bentley: My First Million" Feedback please on this free ebook and other enterprise initiatives
- Mobile CCTV Unit for London 2012 Olympics
- Stuart Meldrum - Hawick High School and the Global Classroom Project
- David Gilmour - Using a bundle of linked blogs to make a dynamic secondary school web site at
- Mark Riches - Their Past Your Future, WW1 mobile blogging project
Enthusiastic Lurkers
add your name
- Louise Jones - Will be there and happy to help out in any way. (Still bringer a projector, if needed or not!)
- Andrew Roland - Product Manager at RM for ultra-mobile devices, but coming to listen and learn!
- Merlin John - content writer and editor of NCSL Future website
- Andy Black - Decided to lurk rather than speak but I will be enthusiastic be afraid be very afraid
- John Daly - hoping to put some faces to names; happy to help out as needed - carryingup, general dogsbodying etc.
- Dorothy Coe - far too overawed by the names and topics in the presenting list to do anything more than watch and learn
- Iain Hallahan - like Dorothy, far too intimidated think about standing up the front; like John happy to help out in any way I can (I always wanted to be a Roadie)
- Steve Sidaway - Marketing Director from Happy to provide sponsorship in the form of conferencetxt for the event
- Lynne Lewis - hoping to absorb lots of new ideas but willing to help out.
- Amy Hoban - nqt cdt listener and lurker
- Christine McIntosh
- Sean Farrell - depending on work schedule
- Louis Farrell - depending on naptime ;-) {Or nappy time? :-) DM}
- Maggie Wallace - Will be there pushing to get us recognition for our technology efforts...
- Vikki Rodger - Looking forward to it, was the best part of SLF last year.
- Lynn Shellard - fab, can't wait!
- Iain Stanger I can't believe its a year since the last SLF Teachmeet looking forward to it.
- Louise Henderson - Will be sitting back relaxing and enjoying all the presentations. Hopefully a glass of wine will also be available :)
- Blair Cochrane - Looking forward to first teachmeet .
- Lorraine Munro - Looking forward to first teachmeet .
- Ian Cameron - Looking forward to first teachmeet .
- John Anderson
- Steve beard
- Lucio Inch cant wait to come join it. Will be finishing with helping my brother move it Toronto
- Tess Watson
- barrysimpson- Looking forward to finding some new tools to improve his teaching.
- Jeff Smith - Businesss Manger, RM - new to RM, so looking forward to my first teachmeet
- Dominic Conroy - Marketing Manager, RM - my first teachmeet too!
- Caroline Gibson (
- Shirley Campbell-Morgan- My persistence paid off! I can now lurk in person!
- Richard Elliott - Looking forward to a good Lurk
- Michelle Craig- From assist Steve Sidaway, provide conferencetxt, 2nd Teechmeet fantastic event
- Andy Fisher
- Pravin Jethwa
- Nigel Rodwell
- John Heffernan NCTE
- Struan Gardner - New Job, New Authority, Same passion to see wider access to web 2.0 sites in schools.
- Margaret Vass - Better late than never :)
- Marie Dougan Looking forward to it.
- Ian McGourty
- Mark Pentleton - Hoping to attend - depends on my Apple commitments that evening.
- Jan Hughes - first timer
- Sandra O'Neill - hope I can make it
- June Jelly - Heard so much about this amazing get-together. Think I'll be exhausted from a day on the Glow Pods but looking forward to it,
- Janette Salt - Heard great things about this. Looking forward to it.
- Nigel Deacon - Immersive Education - John says i should come to this
- Dave Walker
- John Connell - Had hoped to be able to attend, but have to work for the man that evening - might be able to drop by early to say hello to friends
- Edward Beechinor-Collins- Here from Cambridge University Press to listen and learn.
- Rowena Blair - Another lurker ;)
- Ande Bray
- Kenneth McLaughlin
- Douglas Chappelle
- Fiona McLean
- Geoffrey Russ almost done painting my home, so I should be able to make it.
- Peter Schneider- Atomic Learning
- Mags Amond - hope to learn something
- A large number of Danes...
- Jenni Robertson
- Johnny Baxter
- Steve Gayler
- Neil Bailey
- Rodney from
The event will be broadcast live via Flashmeeting (web conference) at . Further details to follow. If you wish to attend the Flashmeeting, please add your name here, not in the list of lurkers or presenters above:
- Terry Freedman - Will be there in spirit, and hopefully via Flashmeeting!
- Sinclair Mackenzie - Can't attend in person, hoping to lurk via flashmeeting if that can be arranged?
- Doug Dickinson - Hope everyone enjoys the session
- Tricia Neal looking forward to a new perspective
- Katy MacDougall – glad to have the chance to lurk online as I can't be there (tech confession: I don't have a webcam or mic, so I can't join in, but I'll be listening actively)
- Peggy George-Can't attend in person but would love to participate virtually in Flashmeeting. I was able to participate in part of the East London Flashmeeting at Terry Freedman's invitation, and left energized and insired with lots of new tools and ideas for Web 2.0.
- Fons van den Berg - Did the Flasmeeting thing last time around and had fun. I am very close to organising a Dutch TeachMeet, so I'm looking for good stuff to copy ;-) .
- Lisa Stevens - hopefully be able to join for some or all of the time - really would like to be there in person but will enjoy it from afar :o(
- Steve Bunce - away in body, but virtually there (story of my life!)
- José Picardo - wishing I was there too!
- Allison Miller - hoping to join from Australia - may be a litte late since it'll be 4 am here when teachmeet starts :)
- Jeremy Stevenson - after busy day - will be putting feet up and enjoying the presentations at a distance (not far)
- Gold Plated Belly Rings - was founded to fill the void between high price retailers and low quality internet sellers.
- 4 week cna classes
- Vander Krocop working hard to give an accurate roofing estimate to a friend.
- Stuart Sutherland - Really wish I could attend! Hope to join at least some of the Flashmeeting.
- Paul Harrington - Hope to be in the Flashmeeting as I can't make it to Scotland.
- Hual Migeno - will be there, but have to take car of my auto insurance Ontario.
- Ian Usher - dipping in and out as I'm getting my dinner...
- Daniel Needlestone - as Ian above (but not eating with him!)
- Nic Hughes
The FlashMeeting is booked from 5.30-9.30pm (hopefully with live feed from 6pm), which allows for conversations beyond the event itself. There is space for 25 participants. When you click on the link, above, click on 'Go to meeting', then 'Enter meeting as a guest'. You can join us via webcam and/or audio. Technical info is at
The TeachEat will be at the Konaki Greek Taverna at 920 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow. Sit down time is now 9pm. The owner is trying to arrange dancers for us. The cost of the three courses is kindly being met by one of the TeachMeet sponsors. Places are limited, so please leave your name ASAP, below, if you are sure you can make it. Four black taxis have been booked to pick up from SECC front door at 8.50pm, with another 4 taxis picking up at 9pm to take folk direct to the restaurant.
- John Johnston
- David Muir (Pity there's no dancing! Last year there was about 30 of us, could we not talk them into something for those numbers?) - see above
- Steve Beard
- Neil Winton - It's all Greek to me...
- Ollie Bray
- Tom Barrett
- Merlin John
- David Noble
- Lynn Shellard
- Andrew Roland
- Iain Hallahan
- John Griffiths
- Vikki Rodger
- Jaye Richards
- Steve Draper
- Alan Parkinson (not to eat, just to socialise - stick me in the corner by the pot plants)
- Richard Elliott
- Andy Black (ive got get the 23.30 sleeper)
- Steve Sidaway
- Michelle Craig
- Adam Sutcliffe
- Jeff Stewart
- Fiona McLean
- Theo Kuechel - nice to see some ladies appearing on list at last ;-)
- John Heffernan
- Louise Jones
- Caroline Gibson
- Struan Gardner (should have car if needed with space for 3, or 4 if you are close friends) . Can recomend Konaki - a regular date with my wife when we are in Glasgow!
- Tessa Watson
- Margaret Vass
- John Daly
- Andrew Brown
- Ian McGourty
- Bob Hill
- Barry Simpson
- Andy Preston
- Jan Hughes
If you are not number 1 - 41, you are more than welcome to come for the meal, however you will probably have to pay (£15 for 3 courses).
42. Nigel Deacon
43. Dave Walker
44. John Davitt
45. Mark Riches
46. Steve Gayler
47. Neil Bailey
Sponsors and Bringeralongers

A further £600 from RM towards drinks/nibbles/meal afterwards on the evening. Andrew Roland
£200 for drinks from your friends at
with 60,000 students from around the world playing free maths games 24x7

Free link added to tutpup at Shambles
£500 to help make teachmeet08 happen from creators of Radiowaves and NUMU
£250 from

If you are on Twitter, follow @TeachMeetAtSLF. During the event if you 'tweet' a comment, question etc to @TeachMeetAtSLF, it will be projected onto a wall (well, that's the plan). I've also added @slf08 on Twitter if you want to use it - it being shorter and all ;0)
There is the possibility of a 'splinter' group holding a TeachMeet in the Scottish Borders on the same night, hopefully with a link up at some point. I had thought that it might be nice to do this on a small scale, but it looks like I'll be at SLF instead. I'm now looking to doing this another time, perhaps Late October/Early November, or around February/March time. If you are interested then get in touch through my blog - Stuart Meldrum
Promotional Images

Louis promotes TeachMeet08. Turn up and you'll get to see what it says on the other side!! ;-)
Have we any suggestions for venue? (see Latest News, above)
THANKS FOR THE RESPONSES RE VENUE, and please do keep them coming. Had a very promising chat today with a few potential partners. We'll know by Thursday and be able to announce some kind of venue, I'm sure.
From David Muir: I am out and about just now but got someone to chase up some possibilities for me. She could find only three possibilities, 1) The Lighthouse @ £589 + VAT + catering. 2) Crowne Plaza Hotel @ £950 + extra for extras (also describes a s a "theatre style room" that can take up to 200 people) 3) The Senate Suite at University of Strathclyde (just along a bit from George Square) @ £90 for staffing + £25.50 and hour for the room + extra if we want catering. Has anybody else came up with something?
The Charles Wilson Building on the University of Glasgow campus is very grand - possibly a little small though. Or another possibility would be the atrium of Wilson Medical Building. - Stuart Meldrum
There is also an offer below from Joe Wilson to use SQA as the venue.
Just a thought, but what about the Centre for Contempory Arts in Glasgow. Its right by the dental hospital, a stones throw from the SECC and a great space for an event such as this ? (Jaye Richards)''
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