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TeachMeet Second Life

Page history last edited by kickmoko 13 years ago



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What is TeachMeet?


Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused. This is an informal gathering of those curious about teaching and technology. Anyone can share great ideas they've trialled in their classrooms, ask important questions or simply sign up to take part in learning conversations.


This edition on Teachmeet is being aimed primarily at Teachers working and learning in Second Life - in the 7 minute slot people can present in Avatar form - show Machinima, talk about projects they have been involved with. It will be the first TeachMeet to have been held in Second Life itself and will be a global one depending on people's availablility. Sign up for the wiki here.



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When and Where?



Teachmeet Second Life will be happening on Friday 7th May 2010 on Learn 4 Life Island at 8PM BST  12 Noon PST SL TIME (see your local time here). You will need to have the Second Life Client software downloaded, a broadband connection and have made an avatar to attend. You will also need to wear a headset and have Quicktime installed on your computer.


Even better would be if you could show the session to a group of people using a projector - log in as your avatar and project the session onto a screen for several people who have never been in Second Life before so they can see the power of Distance Learning in Immersive Environments.



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Let's keep it all together and use the following tag for all posts, images, tweets and presentations to do with TeachMeet #TMSL10



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What can you do?


You can come along to chat, meet new people, or give a seven minute talk, a two minute nano presentation or lead a conversation.

As with all Teachmeets, we are dependant on our sponsors for a venue, refreshments, wifi, equipment and other costs.



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Presentation Rules


What are the rules for this Teachmeet? We want to maintain the strict no powerpoint rule (with the standard Lessig style exception)? 


You can use whatever presentation format you want including , keynote, prezi, slide rocket, 280 slides, you could just talk, show something from the web, hold up a poster or you could sing a song!


The important thing is that you get your message across and you will only get one minute set up time.


Be prepared for technical difficulties and be ready to wing it on the night! That’s what makes Teachmeet exciting! 


Un-Conference Chair




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Seven minute micropresentations


Add your avatar name (real name, twitter and email if you want to) and what you may talk about below. YOUR TALK MUST BE ABOUT EXPERIENCES OF WORK IN SECOND LIFE OR OTHER IMMERSIVE OR ONLINE GAMING ENVIRONMENTS. Don't bother if it is just about showcasing a product. Because we are presenting in Second Life - presentations can take the form of Machinima, slides, interactive objects - be innovative!


  1.  http://twitter.com/Starbug169 7 minute sound workshop - for Teaching Languages in Second Life- Carolrb Roux

  2. Teaching e-safety in Second Life - Nic Byron

  3. First impressions - My thoughts on Second Life for teachers and schools - Alasdair Douglas@hairysporan

  4. Teaching about Gardner's Multiple Intelligences - Carolrb
  5. Learning Italian in Second Life - Karelia Kondor [@KareliaKondor] and Helen Myers [@Helen Myers] Links: 

http://edutalk.cc/edutalk365-32-helen-myers-association-for-lan [similar talk I did at BETT - 6 minutes!]

http://www.google.com/profiles/HelenMyers007 [links to my blogs etc as Helen Myers / karelia Kondor / ElektraABSEGUM Skoolaborators]

http://aberriolo.wordpress.com/  Anna Begonia’s blog: a MUST-READ -         

http://italianiamo.wordpress.com/ Anna's acount of what we do in Italian lessons .. don't worry if you don't understand Italian!






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Two minute nano presentations


Add your Avatar name (real name, twitter and email if you want to) and what you may talk about below. YOUR TALK MUST BE ABOUT EXPERIENCES OF WORK IN SECOND LIFE  OR OTHER IMMERSIVE OR ONLINE GAMING ENVIRONMENTS. Don't bother if it is just about showcasing a product. Because we are presenting in Second Life - presentations can take the form of Machinima, slides, interactive objects - be innovative!


  1. 2 Minute Virtual Field Trip to The Bayeux Tapestry  Carolrb Roux



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Answers From the Crowd



Questions - To follow...




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Enthusiastic Lurkers


Add your name

1. Nick Speller (RL) - Nic Byron (SL) - @nickspeller : Oxfordshire LA Consultant and eSafety in SL course leader - now promoted to presenter!

2. Alasdair Douglas- 360placebo(sl)   @hairysporan : teacher looking into new technology

3. Damian Ward - Voltaire Orsini (SL) - @damoward : interested in vCPD

4. Mark Mullis - Velocity Carter (SL) - @marktmullis creator of virtual schools project, 3d consultant and learning activist.

5. Doug Woods - Dr Bianco (SL) - @deerwood

6. Graham Trick- Graham Firecaster- @trick11 

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What do we need to make the event happen?


Who can help organise things before, on the day or during the event?


Eyebeams Electricteeth AKA Leon Cych - hosting and technical setup on Learn4Life Island

Carolrb Roux - not sure - anything is possible - will try to encourage some speakers :-)

Nick Speller - Camel building :-)

green nail

pacquiao vs marquez 3

watch pacquiao vs marquez 3

pacquiao vs marquez 3 

mayweather vs ortiz

floyd mayweather vs victor ortiz

from english to spanish

free translation english to spanish

dora games

dora games






Any donations accepted - Please add your names below.


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When you are mentioning TeachMeet Second LIfe  whilst using Twitter please just add #TMSL10 somwhere in the tweet - that way it will be picked up by a Twitter search. On the night of the TeachMeet we will hopefully have a projected live feed of the Twitter backchannel.


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Live Video Streaming


Ideally we would need someone with an Avatar, good broadband connection and Procaster on Ustream - if you have those facilities and would like to volunteer broadcasting the session for the evening please get in touch with Eyebeams above.


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Comments (2)

lythuht said

at 2:02 am on Sep 28, 2012

Hello! My young site here: http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-chuyen-nghiep/ -> thiet ke website chuyen nghiep , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-tron-goi/ -> thiet ke website tron goi , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-theo-yeu-cau/ -> thiet ke website theo yeu cau , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-cao-cap/ -> thiet ke website cao cap , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-gia-re/ -> thiet ke website gia re , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-gioi-thieu-cong-ty/ -> thiet ke website gioi thieu cong ty , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-tin-tuc/ -> thiet ke website tin tuc , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-rao-vat/ -> thiet ke website rao vat , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-ban-hang/ -> thiet ke website ban hang , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-bat-dong-san/ -> thiet ke website bat dong san , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-xay-dung/ -> thiet ke website xay dung , http://webviet24h.com/thiet-ke-website-noi-that-nha-dep/ -> thiet ke website noi that
+ http://topiclaw.com/cong-bo-thuc-pham-nhap-khau/ -> cong bo thuc pham nhap khau , http://topiclaw.com/cong-bo-luu-hanh-thuoc-nhap-khau/ -> cong bo thuoc nhap khau , http://topiclaw.com/cong-bo-luu-hanh-thuoc-trong-nuoc/ -> cong bo thuoc trong nuoc , http://topiclaw.com/cong-bo-tieu-chuan-chat-luong-thuc-pham/ -> cong bo chat luong thuc pham , http://topiclaw.com/cong-bo-tieu-chuan-san-pham/ -> cong bo tieu chuan , http://topiclaw.com/xin-giay-phep/cong-bo-chat-luong/ -> cong bo chat luong , http://topiclaw.com/dang-ky-luu-hanh-thuoc/ -> dang ky luu hanh thuoc , http://topiclaw.com/cong-bo-tieu-chuan-co-so/ -> cong bo tieu chuan co so , http://topiclaw.com/cong-bo-tieu-chuan-duoc-pham/ -> cong bo tieu chuan duoc pham , http://topiclaw.com/1340650730/ -> cong bo banh keo , http://topiclaw.com/cong-bo-chat-luong-hop-quy-thuc-an-chan-nuoi/ -> cong bo thuc an chan nuoi , http://topiclaw.com/cong-bo-phu-gia-thuc-an-chan-nuoi/

lythuht said

at 4:08 am on Sep 11, 2012

welcome! My service: http://topiclaw.com/ve-chung-toi/ -> cong ty luat and http://topiclaw.com/thanh-lap-cong-ty-co-phan/ -> thanh lap cong ty co phan . Sometime you can visit: http://topiclaw.com/dich-vu-dang-ky-kinh-doanh/ -> dich vu dang ky kinh doanh , http://topiclaw.com/dich-vu-cong-bo-san-pham/ -> dich vu cong bo san pham , http://topiclaw.com/dang-ky-ma-so-ma-vach/ -> dang ky ma vach . Not enough, Follow homepage: http://panamax.vn -> http://panamax.vn .
Thanks And more. You can follow me on: http://blog.topiclaw.com -> Our blog | https://plus.google.com/101425547501847204713 -> Topiclaw on Google+ | https://plus.google.com/108887117986127829168 -> We're on Google+ | http://www.youtube.com/user/topiclaw -> Youtube | http://www.facebook.com/topiclaw.cpn -> Facebook and https://twitter.com/topiclaw -> Twitter

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