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  • You already know Dokkio is an AI-powered assistant to organize & manage your digital files & messages. Very soon, Dokkio will support Outlook as well as One Drive. Check it out today!



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  6. Alternatively, you can register or find out more by emailing stephanie.young@vital.ac.uk 
  7. That's it! 


Teachmeet Milton Keynes


Thanks to all for a superb evening.  View the videos here.

Please share useful links here:






Some of the sites mentioned during my presentation - @chrisleach78


The website linking to the innovative PowerPoint slides:




Click on the link - In the Classroom


Vital's collection of webtools:  http://www.vital.ac.uk/community/mod/resource/view.php?id=6317 

Vital's collection of arttools: http://www.vital.ac.uk/community/mod/resource/view.php?id=6572&direct=1

Prezi on digital photography techniques: http://www.vital.ac.uk/community/mod/resource/view.php?id=6590#section2


Video presentation and blog from @4goggas: 'Using Web 2.0 for AfL in History'




Video presentation from @eyebeams:

'All you need to create your own outside broadcast unit and stream video from almost anywhere' http://bit.ly/dtpFUu 







 TeachMeet Milton Keynes Wednesday 7th July 


What is TeachMeet?


Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused.  This is an informal gathering of those curious about teaching and technology. Anyone can share great ideas they've trialled in their classrooms, ask important questions or simply sign up to take part in learning conversations.  Everyone is welcome to join in: teachers from all types of schools, teaching all subjects and age groups.  The main part of TeachMeet is hearing stories about learning from teachers.  It is a chance for teachers to hear ideas from each other  and be inspired by colleagues, along with a whole bucket load of networking to boot! 


Dughall explains all about TeachMeet from mrhandley on Vimeo.


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When and Where?


Teachmeet Milton Keynes will be happening on Wednesday 7th July 2010 in The Hub  Open University Campus Milton Keynes - 6 - 9.30  pm

For directions to the open university please click here for a map to the Hub Suite, or please open this PDF. 




Can't get there?


We will also be live streaming TeachMeet Milton Keynes please click here to go through to the ustream.





Let's keep it all together and use the following tag for all posts, images, tweets and presentations to do with TeachMeet #TMMK


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What can you do?

You can come along to chat, meet new people, or give a seven minute talk, a two minute nano presentation or lead a conversation.

As with all Teachmeets, we are dependant on our sponsors for a venue, refreshments, wifi, equipment and other costs.



Presentation Rules


What are the rules for this Teachmeet? 


You can use whatever presentation format you want including PowerPoint, keynote, prezi, slide rocket, 280 slides, you could just talk, show something from the web, hold up a poster or you could sing a song!


The important thing is that you get your message across and you will only get one minute set up time.


Be prepared for technical difficulties and be ready to wing it on the night! That’s what makes Teachmeet exciting! 


Un-Conference Chair





Seven minute micropresentations


Add your name and what you may talk about below. YOUR TALK MUST BE ABOUT EXPERIENCES OF WORK IN CLASSROOMS. Don't bother if it is just about showcasing a product. 


  1. Stuart Ridout (@stuartridout) - Using StoryBird for literacy in the classroom

  2. Lizzy Jones & Helen Caldwell (@helencvital) -  Manipulating Manolos! Designing shoes in Art and ICT

  3. Chris Leach (@chrisleach78) - Using Twitter in history #1066election and @LCS_RCatesby 

  4. Carol Rainbow -@carolrainbow (Hopefully with Row Martin class teacher) using a class set of iPod touches in a year 5 class
  5. Mark Purves - @markpurves Song phonics to improve pronunciation in Mfl KS2/3
  6. Teresa Connolly - webquests
  7. Leon Cych - video presentation - How to create your own outside broadcast unit and stream video from almost anywhere
  8. Jan Webb - video presentation - Voicethread
  9. Matt Johnson - Using Game Maker in ICT.   
  10. Matt Turton - Using Elluminate to engage with school assemblies
  11. Chloe Sutton - Developing appraisal skills in PE through the video
  12. Kerry Turner @4goggas - Using Web2 in History in KS3 (presented by NS with her permission)
  13. Nia Sutton - to be decided -
  14. Eylan Ezekiel  -   @eylanezekiel - Fishbowling - (if needed - need to skype /elluminate in for this as cannot be there in person!)
  15. Matt Lovegrove - Making learning games using 2DIY (video presentation)
  16. Siobhan Henry ( @sh1916 ) & John Putt (@wjputt) - Videoconferencing with Y8 (History) - Bringing the past to life!
  17. Jackie Kershaw (Meon Junior School) - Using technology to document a school visit 
  18. Stacy Powell (Buckingham Primary School) - Primary School Baftas: Hosting a movie-making event  (video presentation)
  19. Will Sutton - Year 4 favourites 
  20. Adam Blackwood - (@Adamrsc) PowerPoint more Interactively in the classroom. - 3 Tips. 
  21. Deborah Cooper - The Storytelling Club
  22. Drew Buddie - (@digitalmaverick) Using 'Learning Lenses' in the Classroom (based on the phenomenal book 'The Art of Games Design' by Jesse Schell)



Two minute nano presentations


Add your name and what you may talk about below. YOUR TALK MUST BE ABOUT EXPERIENCES OF WORK IN CLASSROOMS. 


  1. Kevin McLaughlin (@kvnmcl) Posterous - a blog doesn't have to be for life, it can be for a week (Thanks to @johnjohston for the title) 


Enthusiastic Lurkers


Add your name

  1.  Tony Sheppard (@GrumbleDook)
  2. Martine Sheppard
  3. Peter Twining (@PeterT
  4. Kai Vacher (@kaivach)
  5. Catherine Dean (@ssatconference) 
  6. Annette Woodruff
  7. Nia Sutton 
  8. Sophia Jones 
  9. Chris Leach (@chrisleach78) (May present but will just sign to lurk at the moment) 
  10. Siobhan Henry ( @sh1916 ) 
  11. John Putt (@wjputt) 
  12. James Bird (@jamesateynsham) 
  13. Carole O'Connor
  14. Steph Young @stephyoungvital
  15. Christopher Walsh (c.s.walsh@open.ac.uk)
  16. jen kenny @genkijen 
  17. Tim Jefferson (@tj007) - can no longer make it there, but will attempt to follow online.
  18. James Michie (@jamesmichie) - can't be there in person :-( but will follow online. 
  19. Tom Welch (@turnitonsupport)  
  20. Tracey Young (@Lawyers Richmond)
  21. J Shepherd
  22. P Martin 
  23. Eylan Ezekiel  www.brainpop.co.uk @eylanezekiel @brainpop_uk
  24. @mathsatschool (happily following online) 
  25. Dan China @Dch1na 



What do we need to make the event happen?


Who can help organise things before, on the day or during the event?






      Twitter: @vitalcpd                                                                                                                                                       Twitter: @risingstarsedu




Twitter: @eScholasticUK 




Any donations accepted - Please add your names below.





When you are mentioning TeachMeet MK whilst using Twitter please just add #TMMK somwhere in the tweet - that way it will be picked up by a Twitter search. On the night of the TeachMeet we will hopefully have a projected live feed of the Twitter backchannel.





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Panela Wok Tramontina - Preta 32 cm


Panela Wok Tramontina Preta 32 cm

Panela wok Tramontina com revestimento interno e externo em antiaderente Starflon. 2. Devido ao revestimento antiaderente os alimentos não grudam, proporcionando facilidade na limpeza. 3. Tampa com saída de vapor. 4. Proporciona um cozimento rápido e uniforme. 5. Pode ser utilizada no fogão a gás, elétrico e vitrocerâmico. 6. Pode ir à máquina de lavar louças. 7. Seguindo as instruções de uso, panela wok permanecerá bonita por muito mais tempo.


Antes de usar: Lave interna e externamente a panela wok, usando apenas uma esponja macia, sabão neutro ou detergente líquido. Enxugue bem com um pano seco e unte todas as partes internas com óleo ou gordura. Leve ao fogo baixo por um ou dois minutos. Deixe a peça esfriar, lave e enxugue novamente. Durante o uso: Evite esquentar demais a panela wok vazia. Use a sua panela wok Starflon sempre em fogo baixo ou médio para reter o valor nutritivo dos alimentos e conservar o antiaderente. Evite que as chamas atinjam as laterais da panela wok. A panela wok com antiaderente não pode ser aquecida a temperaturas superiores a 350°C. Para mexer ou tirar o alimento, use somente utensílios de silicone, nylon ou madeira que não cortam e não riscam a superfície dos produtos Starflon. Nunca corte alimentos diretamente no revestimento antiaderente. Limpeza: Evite a imersão da panela wok quente em água fria. Deixe a panela wok esfriar antes de lavar. Mesmo depois de vários usos nunca utilize produtos abrasivos na lavagem da sua Starflon, como saponáceos ou palhas de aço. Se deixar queimar alimentos, deixe seu produto de molho em água durante algum tempo antes de lavá-lo. O seu produto Starflon pode ir à máquina de lavar louça. Uso seguro e adequado: Ao utilizar utensílios mantenha fora do alcance de crianças. Ao manusear utensílios quentes tenha cuidado redobrado e se necessário utilize proteção para as mãos. Para sua maior segurança ao utilizar utensílios com cabos, mantenha os mesmos sempre voltados para o centro do fogão.


Dimensões Produto (Compr. X Larg. X Alt.): 347x342x122 mm.

Diâmetro: 32 cm.

Capacidade: 4,5 l.

EAN13: 7891112031470

DUN14: 17891112031477

NCM: 7615.10.00

Peso Líquido: 0,96 Kg.

Peso Bruto: 1,4 Kg.

Metragem: 0,014478 m³.

Dimensões Embalagem (Compr. X Larg. X Alt.): 347x342x122 mm.

Panela wok em alumínio com revestimento em antiaderente. Alças em aço.




Comments (11)

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lythuht said

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Mavishim said

at 10:13 am on Aug 21, 2011


James said

at 4:26 pm on Aug 17, 2011

bymadak said

at 5:58 am on Aug 17, 2011

Geldiler Zigiçler...
Bin ; http://www.sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.in/2011/07/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.html http://www.sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.in/
okNeT ; http://blog.ok.net/bymadak/doc/20705/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu/
Opera ; http://my.opera.com/bymadak/blog/2011/07/19/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu
Bloggum ; http://sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.bloggum.com/
PbWork ; http://bymadak.pbworks.com/w/page/44123142/FrontPage http://sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.pbworks.com/w/page/43557193/FrontPage
Tumblr ; http://sahinnparadisegelenekselramazan.tumblr.com/ http://sahinnparadisegelenekselramazan.tumblr.com/post/7719887958/sahinn-paradise-geleneksel-ramazan-coskusu
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Wiki ; http://bymadak.wikispaces.com/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu http://www.b-8.net/google-siralamasi
i.PH ; http://bymadak.i.ph/ http://bymadak.i.ph/blogs/bymadak/2011/08/05/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu/
Analar ; http://www.drupalhaber.com http://www.mesutmaden.com http://www.yemektarifleriresimli.org/
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Vızır ; http://bubloglinkdegisimiicinkullanilacak.blogspot.com http://health-and-welfare-funds.blogspot.com
Videolar; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOrQ4jrf_NI- http://www.vimeo.com/27730059 - http://www.youtube.com/user/sahinnparadise
Youtube ; http://www.youtube.com/user/sahinnparadise - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOrQ4jrf_NI - http://www.youtube.com/user/sahinnparadise

bymadak said

at 5:58 am on Aug 17, 2011

Wordpres; http://sahinnnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.wordpress.com http://sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusum.wordpress.com/2011/08/03/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu/
Blogcu ; http://ssahinnparadiseramazan.blogcu.com/ http://sahinnparadisegeleneksel.blogcu.com/ - http://sahinnparadisegeleneksel.blogcu.com/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu/10830627
Blog ; http://sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.blog.com http://sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.blog.com/2011/07/17/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu/
BlogAç ; http://sondurak.blog.ac/2011/07/24/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu/ http://sondurak.blog.ac/ http://bymadak.blog.ac/ http://sende.blog.ac/ http://sende.blog.ac/2011/07/17/sahinn-paradise-geleneksel-ramazan-coskusu/
Blogger ; http://bymadakseo.blogspot.com/ http://bymadak.blogspot.com http://sahinnparadise.blogspot.com/ http://sahinnparadise.blogspot.com/2011/07/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.html http://mesut74.blogspot.com/2011/08/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.html
Bi8 ; http://www.b-8.net http://www.b-8.net/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.html http://sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.b-8.net/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.html http://sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.b-8.net/
Blogger ; http://sahinnparadise.blogspot.com/ http://sahinnparadise.blogspot.com/2011/07/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.html
Blogger ; http://sahinnnparadisegelenekselramazancosku.blogspot.com - http://www.bymadak.com/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu.html
http://bymadak.edublogs.org http://bymadak.edublogs.org/2011/08/07/sahinnparadisegelenekselramazancoskusu
http://identi.ca/bymadak http://identi.ca/notice/80753687
Youtube ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T26aGf1nXNw - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6AUwdfqguk - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6AUwdfqguk

bymadak said

at 5:58 am on Aug 17, 2011



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