Pembroke Dock Community School, Tuesday 17th August 2.30pm - 6pm
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TeachMeet Pembs
TeachMeet Pembs
What is TeachMeet?
Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused. This is an informal gathering of those curious about teaching and technology. Anyone can share great ideas they've trialled in their classrooms, ask important questions or simply sign up to take part in learning conversations. Everyone is welcome to join in: teachers from all types of schools, teaching all subjects and age groups. The main part of TeachMeet is hearing stories about learning from teachers. It is a chance for teachers to hear ideas from each other and be inspired by colleagues, along with a whole bucket load of networking to boot!
Here is a video from BrainPop about Teachmeet. It is hosted on Youtube so if you're in school, you'll just see a white space here.
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When and Where?
Teachmeet Pembs will be happening on Tuesday 17th August 2010 at Pembroke Dock Community School, Pembroke Dock - 2.30pm - 6pm (ish)
View Pembroke Dock Community School in a larger map
Let's keep it all together and use the following tag for all posts, images, tweets and presentations to do with TeachMeet #TMBev
What can you do?
You can come along to chat, meet new people, or give a seven minute talk, a two minute nano presentation or lead a conversation.
As with all Teachmeets, we are dependant on our sponsors for a venue, refreshments, wifi, equipment and other costs.
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Presentation Rules
What are the rules for this Teachmeet?
You can use whatever presentation format you want including PowerPoint, keynote, prezi, slide rocket, 280 slides, you could just talk, show something from the web, hold up a poster or you could sing a song!
The important thing is that you get your message across and you will only get one minute set up time.
Be prepared for technical difficulties and be ready to wing it on the day! That’s what makes Teachmeet exciting!
Seven minute micropresentations
Add your name and what you may talk about below. YOUR TALK MUST BE ABOUT EXPERIENCES OF WORK IN CLASSROOMS. Don't bother if it is just about showcasing a product.
1. Bev Evans (@bevevans22): Getting inclusive with Purple Mash in your classroom
2. Ian Addison @ianaddison - Googling for beginners (and not-so-beginners)
3. Dave Stacey (@davestacey) - Turning the class (and you) into pop stars!
4. Mary Farmer @ebd35 maybe about using Wii Sports Resort or iTouches (anyone have a preference?) - both?
5. Sheila Furniss (Teacher, Templeton school): Brain Building Books (open learning).
6. Simon Haughton (@simonhaughton) Using 2DIY to create online learning activities
7. Duncan Whitehurst (@duncwhitehurst) - iPod Touch: Story Kit, Bloom and a few nice ebooks children like.
8. Jo Liversidge @ForesterJo - ICT in the Outdoors (Early Years) @Boxing Glove
9 Colin Hill (@colport) - Using E-Books to share pupils work with Parents
10 Charlie Deane @charliedeane - blogging with Year 3
Two minute nano presentations
Add your name and what you may talk about below. YOUR TALK MUST BE ABOUT EXPERIENCES OF WORK IN CLASSROOMS.
1. Ian Addison @ianaddison - The power of the Red Fish...
2. Bev Evans (@bevevans22): Bookmarking websites with Speedtile
3. Sheila Furniss (Teacher, Templeton school): Traffic lights
4. Ian Addison - Vital Primary ICT - why you should care
5. Simon Haughton @simonhaughton - 15 Ways to Present Internet Research in 2 Minutes
6. Colin Hill (@colport) Using #ukedchat as a means of reflection/CPD for educators
Enthusiastic Lurkers
Add your name
1. Charlie Deane @charliedeane
2. Sue Ainsworth (DHT, Pembroke Dock Community School)
3. Jennie Williams (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
4. Lynn Pratt (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
5. Sian Galdo (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
6. Phil Okwedy (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
7. Chris Cousens
8. Karen Jones (@karencymru )
9. Mandy Barrow ( @mbarrow )
10. Jenni Pascoe (Seal Primary School)
11. Kate Clarke (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
12. Samantha Davies (Trainee Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
13. Karen James (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
14. Rebecca McGrath (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
15. Shona Sims (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
16. Sian Thorne (HLTA, Pembroke Dock Community School)
17. Jen Cottrell (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
18. Delyth Jones (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
19. Kim Williamson (Teacher, Pembroke Dock Community School)
20. Jon Parker (Teacher, Ysgol Dewi Sant)
21. John Putt (Headteacher - Holywell High School @wjputt)
What do we need to make the event happen?
Who can help organise things before, on the day or during the event?
All offers of help in any way are gratefully received! At the moment we have an onsite creche/childcare facility (thanks to the LSAs at the school) which I think is a first! Add your name below if you can offer any assistance to ensure this event is a good as it can be.
When you are mentioning TeachMeet Pembs whilst using Twitter please just add #TMBev somwhere in the tweet - that way it will be picked up by a Twitter search. On the night of the TeachMeet we will hopefully have a projected live feed of the Twitter backchannel.
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Comments (1)
lythuht said
at 2:02 am on Sep 28, 2012
Hello! My young site here: -> thiet ke website chuyen nghiep , -> thiet ke website tron goi , -> thiet ke website theo yeu cau , -> thiet ke website cao cap , -> thiet ke website gia re , -> thiet ke website gioi thieu cong ty , -> thiet ke website tin tuc , -> thiet ke website rao vat , -> thiet ke website ban hang , -> thiet ke website bat dong san , -> thiet ke website xay dung , -> thiet ke website noi that
+ -> cong bo thuc pham nhap khau , -> cong bo thuoc nhap khau , -> cong bo thuoc trong nuoc , -> cong bo chat luong thuc pham , -> cong bo tieu chuan , -> cong bo chat luong , -> dang ky luu hanh thuoc , -> cong bo tieu chuan co so , -> cong bo tieu chuan duoc pham , -> cong bo banh keo , -> cong bo thuc an chan nuoi ,
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