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In combination with the videos, these are great resources for sharing with colleagues who couldn't attend. Perhaps they will inspire them to come to a TeachMeet next time around!
Free goody bag for every attendee plus the chance to win lots of fab raffle prizes worth over £1000!
This event is being organised by Emma Dawson (@stupi de vanzare), Mike McSharry (@mikemcsharry) and Nickie Robertshaw. Please feel free to contact us if you have any queries.
What is TeachMeet?
Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused. This is an informal gathering of those curious about teaching and technology. Anyone can share great ideas they've trialled in their classrooms, ask important questions or simply sign up to take part in learning conversations. Everyone is welcome to join in: teachers from all types of schools, teaching all subjects and age groups. The main part of TeachMeet is hearing stories about learning from teachers. It is a chance for teachers to hear ideas from each other and be inspired by colleagues, along with a whole bucket load of networking to boot!
When and Where?
TeachMeet Midlands will be taking place on 19th February 2011, 1pm - 4.30pm (including refreshments фотошоп скачать бесплатно), Sherrier Primary School, Bitteswell Road (car park via New Street), Lutterworth, followed by a TeachEat afterwards for anyone wishing to attend.
By Car: Lutterworth is just off Junction 20 of the M1.
By train/bus: There is no train to Lutterworth so you will need to get a train to either Leicester, Rugby or Hinckley and then catch a bus/take a taxi. The No.84 runs every 30 minutes from Leicester city to Lutterworth.
What can you do?
You can come along to chat, meet new people, or give a seven minute talk, a two minute nano presentationorlisten and be inspired.
You can either do a 7 minute or 2 minute presentation. You can use whatever presentation format you want including PowerPoint, keynote, prezi, slide rocket, 280 slides, you could just talk, show something from the web, hold up a poster or you could sing a song!
The important thing is that you get your message across and you will only get one minute set up time.
Be prepared for technical difficulties and be ready to wing it on the day! That’s what makes Teachmeet exciting!
Rory the camel :-)
Seven minute micropresentations
Add your name and what you may talk about below. YOUR TALK MUST BE ABOUT EXPERIENCES OF WORK IN CLASSROOMS. Don't bother if it is just about showcasing a product.
1. Emma Dawson (@squiggle7) - Something to do with games based learning/using the Wii
2. Kevin McLaughlin (@kvnmcl) - Pump up the lesson (using aviary audio in the classroom)
3. Tony Sheppard (@grumbledook) - Miracles we can do today, please give us 24 hours to achieve the impossible! (Virtual presentation)
4. Oliver Quinlan (@Oliverquinlan)- Ideas for using Google Docs in Primary
5. Nikki Davies (@knikidavies) - Creative approaches in RE - La Sagrada Familia
6. Lisa Stevens (@lisibo) Decide nearer the time - a lot can happen in 5 months!
7. James Cross (@jamesrcross)
8. Suzie Wilkes
9. Graham Cullen (@grahamcullen)
10. Jan Webb (@janwebb21) - will decide nearer the time!
11. Mark Allen (@edintheclouds) - Moving from the VLE to a VLEcosystem using Google Apps.
12. Mike McSharry (@mikemcsharry) - the ISO seven layer stack. WHAT?
13. Zoe Ross (@zoeross19) Blue Peter Learning
14. Simon Shaw (@simoneshaw) - Parental Engagement - school quick wins and successes
15. Colin Graham (@ColinTGraham) Tangrams - more than just a puzzle
16. Marc Faulder
17. Nikki Wise - Handwriting in a digital age
18. Ian H - Using the MORSE code for revision
Two minute nano presentations
Add your name and what you may talk about below. YOUR TALK MUST BE ABOUT EXPERIENCES OF WORK IN CLASSROOMS.
1. Emma Dawson (@squiggle7) - class blogs
2. Tim Dolan (@timdolan) - Using a Wii remote with a PC and projector in the classroom (probably) Sorry I can't make it
36. Ian H (@teachingofsci) - If anyone is coming from Staffs willing to offer lift.
37. John Taylor (@johnrgtaylor)
38. Paul Benson (@psbenson)
39. Kate Wild
40. Ian Harcombe (@MrHarcombe) - will be a little late, due to taxi duties
41. Fiona
42. Nina Woodcock
43. Reena Parmer
44. Dani Shaw
This will take place straight after TMM at the Man at Arms pub, The Green, Lutterworth LE17 4SB which is about 1/2 mile from the school. If you mention TeachMeet Midlands they have said that they will do their 2 for £7 menu for us, even if we order after 5pm.Pub webpage and map
Sign Up!
What do we need to make the event happen?
Who can help organise things before, on the day or during the event?
All offers of help in any way are gratefully received! Add your name below if you can offer any assistance to ensure this event is a good as it can be.
Shall I make cupcakes? (@lisibo) <--- BUT OF COURSE :)
There will hopefully be lots of goodies available as goody bags or to win as prizes thanks to our wonderful sponsors:
When you are mentioning TeachMeet Midlands whilst using Twitter please just add #TMM11 somwhere in the tweet - that way it will be picked up by a Twitter search.
Twitter list so you can easily follow the people signed up to the event in one go. Created by Jo Badge (@jobadge), if I've missed you off or added you by mistake, just let me know! If you don't want to follow everyone, you can just follow the list (help on using lists)
Shall I bring sizzix machine - craft stuff for breaks - can cut out numbers or other bits - could bring easter chicks! Just a bit of no tech fun. ejf23
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Comments (11)
lythuht said
at 2:04 am on Sep 28, 2012
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James said
at 4:07 am on Sep 3, 2011
James said
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at 12:35 am on Aug 15, 2011
Mavishim said
at 12:32 am on Aug 15, 2011
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gencprens said
at 1:15 am on Jul 19, 2011
I really liked this issue. Thanks.
Emma Dawson said
at 8:25 pm on Jan 30, 2011
Wow, what a good idea Jane, something a bit different!
Jane fisher said
at 7:39 pm on Jan 30, 2011
Shall I bring sizzix machine - craft stuff for breaks - can cut out numbers or other bits - could bring easter chicks! Just a bit of no tech fun. ejf23
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