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TeachMeet East 2

Page history last edited by KarenG 13 years, 2 months ago


 Saturday 5th February 2011


'Doors' and Light Refreshments:- 1:30pm

2pm- 6pm (approx) 


Free Goodybag with lots of free resources for every attendee.



Read below for more information on TeachMeet East 2011, how to present and sign up.


Or, if you already know all about TeachMeet, then use the form below, or follow this link, to sign up for your totally free ticket!


Remember, TeachMeet East relies on 'normal' teachers to present and share ideas- find out more here!


Why not join the increasing number of people who come to Norwich from further afield make a weekend of TeachMeet East? Click here for more information.


Can you help sponsor TeachMeet East? 


What's on this webpage...






What is TeachMeet?


"An Afternoon full of brilliant ideas"-  TeachMeet East Atendee


"By teachers for teachers. A place for real inspiration"- TeachMeet East Attendee


Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused!


TeachMeet is a unique gathering of teachers and education professionals to share inspirational ideas, techniques and resources. The main part of TeachMeet is hearing stories about learning, from teachers. This is not an event to present about a product - this is a chance for teachers from all types of establishments to hear ideas from each other. It's a chance to hear real narratives of practice that make a difference. It is about being engaged and inspired by our immediate colleagues and gain a whole bucket load of networking to boot! 


TeachMeet is an informal  and enjoyable gathering of those curious about teaching and learning. Anyone can share great ideas they've trialled in their classrooms, ask important questions or simply sign up to soak up all the great ideas and enthusiasm. Education professionals from all sectors are welcome to take part and it'd be great to see both Primary and Seconday! 


Tim and Moby from BrainPopUK are great at explaining things- so here is their introduction to TeachMeet East which hopefully sums up all the above (and more!).  Please note this video has the date of the first TeachMeet East on- keep your eyes peeled for the new version!   Why not show this video in a staff meeting at your school to quickly introduce everyone to TeachMeet East?




People who attend TeachMeets always learn loads from each other, and have a good time as well!


Click here to sign up to attend or here to present. 


What people said last time! 

The inaugural TeachMeet East was held on Satruday 19th June 2010 and the feedback was overwhelmingly positive! 


100% of attendees who filled in our post event survey said they have learnt something new at TeachMeet East and that there was something relevant to their role at TeachMeet East


100% also told us they were keen to attend another TeachMeet and there was clear demand for a second TeachMeet East in the early spring term 2011


Here is just some of what the attendess at TeachMeet East V1 had to say:


"It was a fantastic experience. I really enjoyed meeting up with like-minded people and learning lots of new and inspirational ideas." - N.Davies


"CPD at its best!  Inspiring, learning from others."  - K.Laggan 


"A collaborative, generous coming together of teaching professionals- it was great being able to feed of other teachers enthusiasm and ideas" G.McConalogue 


"In this time of cuts and tight budgets it is brilliant to have access to this kind of free and relevant CPD. Long may it continue!" - Anonymous 


"Lots of intense shots of teaching ideas in a relaxed and cheeky atmosphere!" - J.Perrem 


To see some pictures of TeachMeet East V1  click here




Our Sponsors 


As TeachMeet East is a FREE event it relies on the support of sponsors to cover our running costs so that the event is able to go ahead. 


Can you help us?  Please get in touch with @tomhenzley @knikidavies @sarahbrownsword or @mrplume on twitter or e-mail us by clicking here.


If you know of any company who may be interested in supporting this unique form of CPD please get in tocuh!


Thankyou to the amazing companies below who have already pledged their support!





Free Goody Bag for every attendee:-


Our Sponsors are kind enough to donate lots of free resources to every attendee.

Here is some of what you can expect to find in your FREE goodybag - this list will keep on growing!

The value of the items and freebies below runs to nearly £800!



  • 3 Read and Respond Engage online titles from the amazing Scholastic
  • A wide selection of free materials from the super Rising Stars
  • Free Access to PIMS- assess online with evidence, in just three clicks -  just see Jullian on the day! 
  • 30 Days access to BrainPopUK
  • Free access to Elluminate Video Conferencing from Vital.  
  • Lots of free pens, memory sticks, choclolate and other fun freebies from our other sponsors :-)


Thanks to the companies for contributing! 


We'll also be running a free prize draw- with a prize fund total of over £1200!  Including:-


  • Full School Access to BrainPopUK for one year
  • All 6 current Read and Respond Engage titles from scholastic
  • Switched On ICT resource (KS2) from Rising Stars. 

What can you do?


You can come along to chat, meet new people, or give a seven minute micro presentation, a two minute nano presentation or just simply to come and be there and soak up all the inspirational ideas.


Presenting at TeachMeet is not scary, and anybody can present- you don't need to be an expert!  People who present often say what a great  and fun expereince it was!


You can of course  just attend TeachMeet East without presenting, and be there to soak up all the inpirational ideas shared by your immediate colleagues. However please consider presenting!


Presentation Rules 


  • You can use whatever presentation format you want including PowerPoint, keynote, prezi, slide rocket, 280 slides, you could just talk, show something from the web, hold up a poster or you could sing a song or do something different?
  • The important thing is that you get your message across and you will only get a short ammount of set up time. 
  • Be prepared for technical difficulties (although we'll do our best to prevent them!) and be ready to wing it! That’s what makes TeachMeet exciting! 
  • If your examples are online please add links to your presentation (this will speed things up on the afternoon)
  • Remember you don't need to be an expert to speak!


If you are just selling something, you will be asked to stop - so please don't just turn up and try and sell! 


We rely on presentations from people just like you to make TeachMeet East a success- why not sign up to present?


Seven Minute Micro Presentations


Add your name and what you may talk about below.   You can talk about anything -  Classroom practice, course planning, CPD... pretty much anything you want to share and/or think can help others implement it!  It can be on any subject and for any phase!


You don't need to be an expert to present- all you need is something to share.   


Just edit this page  (click here for information) and add in your presentation- or simply indicate to use when you register that you want to present and we'll be in touch! 


1. Tim Handley (@tomhenzley) - TBC product namer

2. Mark Allen (@edintheclouds)-You can take control of your own learning platform - how one small rural primary has done just that.

3. Nikki Davies (@knikidavies) - Group work in maths - enriching learning 

4. Tim Brook @magiclanternman Why create Media?. Presentation http://bit.ly/hzhNr3 Blog http://www.digitalglue.org/ Media Education Association http://themea.org/

5. Sarah Brownsword (@missbrownsword) - Telescopic Text

6. Colin Graham (@ColinTGraham) - Conversation Tennis (building interrupting skills) - using sports for language learning... English or otherwise

7. Colin Graham (@ColinTGraham) - Lego Digital Designer - cool uses for maths + beyond (and I am travelling down from Chester, so that's why there're 2 here!)

8. Ian Guest (@IaninSheffield) - 7 mins., 7 ideas, 7 tools for supporting pupil voice . . . in a quiet way.

9. Danny Nicholson (@dannynic) - Some ideas for Science Lessons

10. Cherri Moseley  - TBC

11. Tim Jefferson (@tj007) - QR codes and URL shorting, a great combination.

12. Mark Allen (@edintheclouds) - 10 tricky tasks in 7 minutes flat...

13. Julian Barrell (@julian3576) Teacher vs Celebrity Chef. Why the nation is more informed about cooking potatoes than education and how this can be changed using simple technology.  

14. Deborah Record-  Using Video Conferencing in the classroom

15. Phillip Dobson- Integrating MFL into everyday class work. 

16. Collette Walsh-  Using Twitter and Photoperch to engage parents in KS1. 

17.  Paul Parslow-Williams - Google Map Trials (maths) 






Keep adding presentations- there is no limit to the number at the event, everyone will get to present and presentations will be chosen randomly!


Shorter Nano Presentations


Full 7 minutes not for you?  Why not share in a shorter nano presentation. Your presentation can be any length, as long as it is under 5minutes long.   These are really fun and quick ways to find out and share great ideas!


You can of course sign up to present both a Micto and Nano presnetation! 


Just edit this page  (click here for information) and add in your presentation- or simply indicate to use when you register that you want to present and we'll be in touch!  



1. Tim Handley @tomhenzley- TBC

2. Colin Graham @ColinTGraham - Folding square numbers

3. Nikki Davies @knikidavies Multimedia literacy - Making poetry films with Windows Moviemaker

4. Ian Guest (@IaninSheffield) P-p-p-p-pick up a podcast - CPD wherever, whenever

5. Tim Jefferson (@tj007) - Flip cams and creativity to show understanding (Secondary Maths)





Virtual Presentations


At the last TeachMeet East attendees really valued the contribution made by people who couldn't attend TeachMeet East in person, but who delivered a 'virtual' presentation instead (in a variety of ways!).  We'd love to have some more virtual presentations this time- so why not add your name below or get in contact with @tomhenzley on twitter?


1. Ian Addison -TBC

2. Bev Evans (@bevevans22)Up for a challenge... - http://vimeo.com/19595589

3. Oliver Quinlan (@oliverquinlan www.oliverquinlan.com/blog) - Making habits and forcing change (nano presentation)

4. Steve Philp (@frogphilp) The Rocket Launcher Lesson  barbie games This is a video presentation recorded and edited on Friday 4th February. It takes just over 4 minutes.


Sign up to attend!


Want to come to TeachMeet East to soak up lots of great ideas and be Amazed, Inspired and Enthused?  Great!  Sign up by using the form below or clicking here.

This form will link you throuhg to our new, and easy to use, registration system, which should hopefully make signing up a breeze.


All tickets are FREE- just select how many you want below and then you'll be asked to fill in a short form to tell us a bit about you.  It's important that you put in an accurate e-mail address, as you will receive an e-mail with your 'tickets'- please bring these along with you to speed up registration at the event! 


You can see who is attending by clciking on this link and scrolling down!


Note- if you are a student teacher, we have put some tickets aside for you- please make sure you select the 'student teacher' ticket type!


If you have any problems signing up, or have any questions just e-mail us- tmeast@classroomtales.com 





Why not present something that you've done in your school or classroom at TeachMeet East? Just select 'Present' in the box on the form below and we'll be in touch!  (More information on presenting)





After the event, we will be heading for a meal and general socialising!  This is always one of the 'best' parts of a TeachMeet, so why not join us?


We have booked a table at Pizza Express, and there are normally special offers available to make it reasonably priced!


Want to join us?  Just select the box on the registration form and we'll book you a seat :-) 



Who's eating:


Twitter and Tags.


To keep all the information together about TeachMeet East, please tag all tweets, blog posts, pictures etc with the tage #tmeast !

Why not make a weekend of it?


We looked at our calendars, and realised that there aren't many events where all the 'twitter'ers' can get together!  We also realised that there are still lots of people who want to attend a TeachMeet but live somewhere where there isn't one!


Last time- lots of people chose to make a weekend out of TeachMeet East and came from further afield- and we want to encourage people to do the same this time!


As TeachMeet East is being held on a Saturday (as the geographical spread of the East means that some people will want to commute significant distances to attend) we thought it'd be a perfect opportunity to invite the wider TeachMeet/Twitter community, and those who live no-where near a TeachMeet to come to TeachMeet East.   As Norwich is extremely near the coast, the lovely broads, and Norwich is a great city to explore, it'd be a great excuse for an early spring get away!


We have negotiated discount accommodation at Broad view Lodge at the University of East Anglia (very decent ensuite bed and breakfast accommodation) for those who want it on the Friday and/or Saturday night and can also recommend other accommodation options.    There will be a big TeachEat event along with drinks on the Saturday night.    


There is lots to do during the weekend- including shopping in one of the top 10 shopping cities in the UK, experience the broads or even take a stroll along the beautiful Norfolk coast!


Why not sign up to attend or present and make a weekend of it! 



How to Edit this page.


If you want to sign up/register that you are coming by editing this page directly- follow the steps below!  y


  1. Click the EDIT tab at the top of this page - you'll be prompted to login.
  2. Note that the PBwiki system has changed, so either:
    1. create a PBwiki account, which is quick and simple, and login; or
    2. alternatively you can login using the limited guest account - username guest password teemhcaet
  3. Return to this page and click the EDIT tab
  4. Add your name to the bottom of the appropriate list (with a link to your Twitter page or blog so others can follow you, maybe a few words about what you do during the day...)
  5. Click the Save button at the foot of the page...
  6. That's it!


Take me back to  Sign Up 




Comments (8)

lythuht said

at 4:48 am on Sep 11, 2012

welcome! My service: http://topiclaw.com/ve-chung-toi/ -> cong ty luat and http://topiclaw.com/thanh-lap-cong-ty-co-phan/ -> thanh lap cong ty co phan . Sometime you can visit: http://topiclaw.com/dich-vu-dang-ky-kinh-doanh/ -> dich vu dang ky kinh doanh , http://topiclaw.com/dich-vu-cong-bo-san-pham/ -> dich vu cong bo san pham , http://topiclaw.com/dang-ky-ma-so-ma-vach/ -> dang ky ma vach . Not enough, Follow homepage: http://panamax.vn -> http://panamax.vn .
Thanks And more. You can follow me on: http://blog.topiclaw.com -> Our blog | https://plus.google.com/101425547501847204713 -> Topiclaw on Google+ | https://plus.google.com/108887117986127829168 -> We're on Google+ | http://www.youtube.com/user/topiclaw -> Youtube | http://www.facebook.com/topiclaw.cpn -> Facebook and https://twitter.com/topiclaw -> Twitter

lythuht said

at 4:48 am on Sep 11, 2012

welcome! My service: http://topiclaw.com/ve-chung-toi/ -> cong ty luat and http://topiclaw.com/thanh-lap-cong-ty-co-phan/ -> thanh lap cong ty co phan . Sometime you can visit: http://topiclaw.com/dich-vu-dang-ky-kinh-doanh/ -> dich vu dang ky kinh doanh , http://topiclaw.com/dich-vu-cong-bo-san-pham/ -> dich vu cong bo san pham , http://topiclaw.com/dang-ky-ma-so-ma-vach/ -> dang ky ma vach . Not enough, Follow homepage: http://panamax.vn -> http://panamax.vn .
Thanks And more. You can follow me on: http://blog.topiclaw.com -> Our blog | https://plus.google.com/101425547501847204713 -> Topiclaw on Google+ | https://plus.google.com/108887117986127829168 -> We're on Google+ | http://www.youtube.com/user/topiclaw -> Youtube | http://www.facebook.com/topiclaw.cpn -> Facebook and https://twitter.com/topiclaw -> Twitter

James said

at 4:37 pm on Aug 17, 2011

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at 3:58 pm on Jul 26, 2011

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at 1:33 am on Jul 19, 2011

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at 6:59 am on Apr 27, 2011

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