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What is TeachMeet?
Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused. This is an informal gathering of those curious about teaching and learning. Anyone can share great ideas they've trialled in their classrooms, ask important questions or simply sign up to take part in learning conversations. Education professionals from all sectors are welcome to take part.
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When and Where?
Date: Thursday 30 June 2011 POSTPONED
Where: Heathfield Primary School, Bolton, BL3 3TP
Time: 5pm until 8pm roughly
Host for the night: David Mitchell
Resident Technical Expert on site: Ian Mills
After TM drinks at: The Tavern Fayre - BL3 4RH
Map link here
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What can you do?
You can come along to chat, meet new people, or give a seven minute talk, a two minute nano presentation or lead a conversation.
Presentation Rules:
Timings will be kept to the second so that hopefully all the presenters get the chance to present. Just like all Teachmeets, presentations will be drawn at random and there is no guarantee you will be presenting.
You can use whatever presentation format you want including PowerPoint, keynote, prezi, slide rocket, 280 slides, you could just talk, show something from the web, hold up a poster or you could sing a song or do something different ? This is about showcasing learning, not showcasing products: use your 2 minutes or 7 minutes to show us the difference your project has made to education. Some of the BEST presentation I have seen at Teachmeets have included no tech whatsoever so please don't think this is a tech only event!
The important thing is that you get your message across and you will only get one minute set up time.
Be prepared for technical difficulties and be ready to wing it on the night! That’s what makes Teachmeet and let's face it, lessons exciting!
If your examples are online please add links to your presentation or work to the title (this will speed things up on the night)
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Seven minute micro presentations
Add your name and what you may talk about below.
1. David Mitchell - Not sure yet
2. James Langley (@lordlangley73) - Dunno what yet, but I'm sure you can guess. :o)
3. Chris Mayoh (@chrismayoh) - Not sure yet, possibly something Digital Leader-based?
4. Zoe Ross (@zoeross19) - Will decide nearer the time :)
5. Simon Haughton (@simonhaughton) - Exciting Edmodo
6. Colin Hill (@colport) - Will decide later (may not be e-books)
7. Kerry Turner (@4goggas)- Ditching the textbook Sorry, double-booked. :0(
8. Peter Yeomans (@ethinking) - stuff my students showed me
9. Peter Rafferty @raff31 Not sure but may be about the kids in Y4
10. Martin O'Donnell (@odonnellmartin) Storyphones are not just for Reception
11. Jan Webb @janwebb21 - to be confirmed, but may involve a family of mice.....
12. John Putt @wjputt - Twitter as a CPD tool! [Will be a video presentation - sorry I can't be there - Year 11 Prom - unmissable.]
13. Mary Blake @ePaceonline -How ICT can help with Fundamentals of Learning
14. Jim Maloney @mister_jim Something. I'm not quite sure yet
15. Tom Sale @tomsale - collaborating is the key !
16. Nicola Stables @mynictle2 - something to do with writing
Two Minute Micro Presentations
Add your name and what you may talk about below.
1. David Mitchell - Not sure yet
2. John Howarth - Open source apps that may have passed you by
3. Chris Mayoh (@chrismayoh) - Not sure yet
4. Helen Morgan (@nellmog)- Apps for Art and Photography
5. Susan Banister (@susanbanister) - will decide later
6. Colin Hill (@colport) - #ukedchat
7. Louise Meethongsai - Microphone
8. Andy Colley @mracolley - Posterous groups - first steps in online collaboration Sorry, my band's been booked to rock n roll that night! I've put a version of what I was going to say up on Youtube here and you can see my slides here. If you want to book us for any future teachmeets - give us a like here! ;)
9 Jim Maloney @mister_jim Handing control to the kids
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Enthusiastic Lurkers
Add your name
1. David Mitchell - @DeputyMitchell
2. John Howarth - @John_Howarth
3. Chris Mayoh - @chrismayoh
4. Cherise Duxbury - High Lawn Primary
5. Claire Irvin - @iamclairei
6. Andrew Harris - @apharris5 The Deans Primary School
7. Ian Mills - @IanEMills
8. Susan Banister - @susanbanister
9. Colin Hill - @colport
10. Frances Smith Waterloo Primary @frances1808
11. David Pott - @davidpott
12. Sue Broadbent-Moorside Primary @ictmarathon
13. Peter Yeomans - @ethinking
14. Simon Howarth - ITT@EHU
15. Laura Fordham - ITT@EHU
16. Dughall McCormick @dughall
17. Katy Griffiths @icklekaty
18. Andy Colley - @mracolley Sorry, see my various excuses above.
19. Matthew Pearson - @mattpearson
20. Anita Gebarowicz - @anitagebarowicz
21. Diana Wyatt - @naiad7
22. Dave Spruce - @mrdspruce
23. Lesley Simm - @smithillsict
24. Matt Brooks - @skoorbttam
25. Ben Gristwood - @renaman - Canon Slade High School
26. Vicci Redfern- @icklevicci Aspull Church School, Wigan
27. Andy Done - @AndyIDone
28. Viv Fernside - Bolton College
29. Jayne Rouse - Bolton College
30. Jo Hulme - Waterloo Primary School, Ashton-u-Lyne
31. Keziah Williamson - Holy Family RC and CE College, Heywood @xpunzx
32. Adele Robinson - @ROBALOR
33. Glen Robinson - @Todwalker
34. Jim Maloney @mister_jim
35. Fiona Turner
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Tags and Twitter
When you are mentioning TeachMeet Bolton whilst using Twitter please just add #TMBolton somewhere in the tweet - that way it will be picked up by a Twitter search
Web 2.0 tags - For personal blogs, flickr, youtube and other photo/video sharing sites = TMBolton
We are aiming to have no sponsorships for this but anyone is welcome to Heathfield Primary School for this event! If you are part of a company, you are MORE than welcome to watch the presentations that the wonderful people will be presenting for you. We value all people who are giving up their time to either present or absorb! Sales pitches will NOT be tolerated as this is a Teachmeet for educators by educators.
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gencprens said
at 1:21 am on Jul 19, 2011
I really liked this issue. Thanks.
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