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TeachMeet Midlands - TMM11

Page history last edited by Coral Garcia 12 years, 2 months ago





What is TeachMeet?




TeachMeet Midlands wouldn't be possible without the kind support of the companies & organisations below:





Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused. This is an informal gathering of those curious about teaching and learning. Anyone can share great ideas they've trialled in their classrooms, ask important questions or simply sign up to take part in learning conversations. Education professionals from all sectors are welcome to take part.


The main part of TeachMeet is hearing stories about learning, from teachers. This is not an event to present about a product or theory - this is a chance for teachers from all types of establishments to hear ideas from each other. Real narratives of practice that make a difference. It is about being engaged and inspired by our immediate colleagues and a whole bucket load of networking to boot!

Venue, date and time

The National College, Learning & Conference Centre, Triumph Road, Nottingham, NG8 1DH

Friday 20th May, 2011, 18.30 - 21.30


***Triumph Rd is closed from Wollaton Rd/A609 side, to get to venue use A6200/Derby Rd to get onto Triumph Rd***



International Times

Sydney, Aus - Sat  03.30 (21/5/11)

Chicago, US - 12.30

Los Angeles, US - 10.30

New York, US - 13.30

Toronto, Can - 13.30

Cape Town, SA - 19.30


Registration: 17.30 - 18.30


View Larger Map 


View this Flickr search to see images of TeachMeet Midlands at the College in 2009.
Visit the Learning and Conference Centre website. Here is some info about getting there.




If you need accommodation for the evening, you can stay at the Learning and Conference Centre for £80 B&B. To book, contact the centre by phone at: 0115 872 2351


Twitter & Tags


When you are mentioning TeachMeet Midlands whilst using Twitter please just add #TMM11 somewhere in the tweet - that way it will be picked up by a Twitter search. 


You can see what's being said on Twitter about TMM11 right now by clicking here!


Tags (for everything else ... flickr, YouTube, facebook etc)

Let's keep it all together and use the following tag for all posts, images, tweets and presentations to do with TeachMeet Midlands: TMM11


How to edit this page

  1. If you're looking to sign up to attend, then add yourself to the list below. If you also want to present, then follow the instructions below...
  2. Click the EDIT tab at the top of this page - you'll be prompted to login.
  3. Note that the PBwiki system has changed, so either:
    1. create a PBworks account, which is quick and simple, and login; or
    2. alternatively you can login using the limited guest account - username guest password teemhcaet
  4. Return to this page and click the EDIT tab
  5. Add your name to the bottom of the appropriate list (with a link to your Twitter page or blog so others can follow you, plus a sentence on what you're going to be presenting on)
  6. Click the Save button at the foot of the page...
  7. That's it!



If anyone wants to pitch in, you're welcome.





  1. Stuart Sutherland - @ssutherland
  2. Kevin Mulryne - @kevinmulryne
  3. Tom Barrett - @tombarrett 
  4. Dughall McCormick - @dughall 
  5. Kerry Turner  - @4goggas 
  6. David Mitchell - @DeputyMitchell 
  7. Michelle Hill - @Michelle_Hill
  8. Mary Harris - @Mary_Bisland_H
  9. Naomi Spellman- @Naomi_Spellman
  10. Loui White @LouiW 
  11. Lucy Jayes -@lj101  
  12. Marc Faulder - @marc_faulder 
  13. Nicki Wise - @kiwiteacheruk 
  14. Peter Skelton - @PetermSkelton 
  15. Iain Crosbie - @crosbiei
  16. Vicky Hadlow - @sundayteatime - Sorry not feeling up to the journey. Hope it goes well.
  17. Emma Dawson - @squiggle7 
  18. Jo Badge @jobadge   
  19. Kevin Fear  @kevinfear
  20. Ian Guest @IaninSheffield
  21. Leon Cych @eyebeams 
  22. Sally Peacock @CirMhor 
  23. Martin Adler 
  24. Alex Wilde 
  25. Umran Naeem @umerz1
  26. Tim McShane   @innerquest
  27. Suzi Prince - Nursery Teacher - John Davies Primary School  
  28. Jo Collis - Nursery Teaching Assistant - John Davies Primary School  
  29. Louise Clayton - Year 4 Teacher - John Davies Primary School 
  30. Julian S. Wood @ideas_factory 
  31. Jennie Martindale @mooshtang  
  32. Tracey Gentle @teggie19  
  33. Anthony Simpson @simmo19691969
  34. Anne Neal @Anne_Neal 
  35. Karen Griffith Rising Stars
  36. Joanna Pickering - MFL AST @Pixiejojo 
  37. Neal Gough @Mr_Gough 
  38. Peter Page @car insurance quotes
  39. Mike McSharry @mikemcsharry  
  40. Helen Whitehead @helenwhd
  41. Jo Day @bioljo 
  42. Oliver Quinlan @oliverquinlan 
  43. Nia Sutton @niasut  
  44. Tricia Neal @tricias 
  45. Helen Daykin (Espresso/C4L) @helendaykin
  46. Wendy Baugh (Espresso/C4L)
  47. Steve Carman
  48. Dan Walls
  49. Lin Morris @ldm90 -St Mary's Primary Derby
  50. Josie Fraser @josiefraser 
  51. Pete Bevington - Year 4 Teacher - Whitemoor Primary School
  52. Lois Lindemann @MoreThanMaths - Secondary maths teacher 
  53. Ray Chambers @lanky_boi_ray - Secondary ICT NQT 
  54. Tony Sheppard  @grumbledook
  55. Louise Dorrian @louisedorrian - Secondary Music Teacher
  56. Richard Harrison  @Rolfster
  57. Aman Sohi http http://twitter.com/#!/MissSohi
  58. Wendy Hill @natfantastic - EYFS
  59. Cara Bolton @CaraBolton 
  60. Sue Faulder - EYFS  (Tiny Tots Day Nursery, Blackwell, Derbyshire)
  61. Jane Ledger - EYFS (Early Years Improvement Officer, Derbyshire LA)
  62. Steve Sansom (Education Reach)
  63. Tracey Morton - Reception TA - All Saints Infant School, Nottinghamshire
  64. Chris Parker - F2 Teacher - All Saints Infant School, Nottinghamshire   
  65. Darren Brumby - Nottingham High School 
  66. Chris Leach - Winchester House School (@chrisleach78)
  67. Shahina Burnett - Nectar Training (nectartraining.co.uk)
  68. Peter O'Brien - Forest Fields Primary School, Nottingham @peter_obrien1 
  69. Claire Duffin - Derbyshire County Council @ceegee72  
  70. Natalie @Natty08 
  71. Phil Lengthorn @phillengthorn - English Secondary Teacher
  72. Sophie Bessemer @sophiebessemer 
  73. Kerry Bridge @kerryatdell 
  74. James Green j2e.com @web2what 
  75. Steph Greenstreet @stepheducation 
  76. Brian Coates - Education Reach Ltd
  77. Rosie Slosek @rslosek
  78. Paul Benson 


  79. Ann Taylor  - St Mary's Primary Derby

  80. James Langley @lordlangley73

  81. Tanya Knight
  82. Jon Rea
  83. Sally Woolgar - @SallyWoolgar1 
  84. Lyndsey Sporton, Edale Rise Primary, Sneinton - @nyzzi_ann
  85. Vicki Cox @vickit23 
  86. Tina Housley @teenytina
  87. Paul Scott @pederosa 
  88. Mark Purves Souffler UK @markpurves 
  89. Hannah Jones - BlueKiteCoach @BlueKiteCoach
  90. Rick Hall - Ignite! @Rick_Hall
  91. Mark Allen - @edintheclouds
  92. Nikki Davies - @KnikiDavies  
  93. Ben Painter -@priestsic.notts.sch.uk 
  94. Carol Parish - @ParishC 
  95. Nick Page - NTU (School of Education - Primary teacher training) 
  96. Kate Dono - NQT MFL  The George Eliot School 
  97. Victoria Tragheim - NTU PGCE student 
  98. Jon Brown
  99. Joel Kaziro 
  100. Scott Berry -NTU PGCE Student
  101. Heather Chapleo - NTU PGCE Student
  102. Sam Daunt - NTU GTP student 
  103. Richard Sewell - Head of Business Studies and Economics - Bablake School
  104. Neil Phillipson - ex-HoD ICT (Sec) @BobToms100
  105. Liz Groome - NTU GTP Student
  106. Sam Mitchell 
  107. Mark Howell - Secondary Geography Teacher @mark_howell101 
  108. Greg Perry- Secondary Maths Teacher @gregperry_  
  109. Don Ross Independent ICT consultant (dsm_ross@yahoo.co.uk)
  110. Emma Barstow  @Web Graphics
  111. Sarah Davies - NTU (School of Education Secondary Design and Technology) 
  112. James Cross @jamesrcross 
  113. Anna Lees - Year 6 teacher - Sneinton CofE Primary School.
  114. Bryony O'Brien. Education Manager. Made in Me. @the_landofme  
  115. Matthew Pearson Steljes @mattpearson 
  116. Laura Shield - Year 5 - Priestsic Primary School 
  117. Susan Banister @susanbanister
  118. Julia Kossowska @juliabhamict 
  119. John Sutton @hgjohn 
  120. Rachael Melvin - Trainee Maths teacher at Nottingham Trent University - blog



Web (WebEx) attendees

If you cannot attend the event in person but would like to attend via web conference (using WebEx), please register to receive an invitation and then add your name below.


If you have difficulties getting to the registration page or joining the WebEx on 20th May, try going to http://www.nationalcollege.org.uk/webex and then typing in the meeting number - 849 981 008.


Here's a quick screencast about registering and joining the WebEx. N.B. you can join the WebEx even after the event has started - just follow the registration link above.



Also, here's another screencast about how to take part once the presentations have begun:



If you'd like to set up your computer for WebEx in advance, download the plug-in


  1. Ashley Proud - McDowall State School, Queensland, Australia - @ashleyproud
  2. Neal McQuaid - St. Mary's Catholic High School, Chesterfield - @nealmcquaid 
  3. Laura Turner - @mathsatschool 
  4. WebEx attendee 4 here - please include contact details of some sort! 




7 minute micropresentations  




If it is online please add links to your presentation or work to the title (this will speed things up on the night)

------- Sign up to make 7 minute presentations is now closed. --------


Add your name and a sentence describing what you're planning on talking about below, plus a link to your presentation materials once they're ready. This last bit's important for the sharing element of a TeachMeet to work!


  1. Blogging at senior school level - @4goggas
  2. How to make your own TV station online  - @eyebeams  - Film of the resource here http://blip.tv/learn4life/make-your-own-tv-station-4662531
  3. The use of iPod Touches to record evidence in EYFS through live blogging - @Michelle_Hill, @Mary_Bisland_H and @Naomi_Spellman (@Leamore_Primary) Presentation     Vimeo     Reception Blog     Deputy's Blog
  4. Education for sustainability in Early Years Foundation Stage - Marc Faulder - @marc_faulder 
  5. Enabling Creative ICT in an NQT classroom - Nicki Wise - @kiwiteacheruk  presentation
  6. Learning outside the classroom box - @squiggle7 
  7. FriendFeed for reflection with first year undergraduates  Jo Badge @jobadge presentation online slideshare and google docs and ultimately on my blog (will schedule post for friday)
  8. Using Coveritlive in your classroom (4D Classroom!) David Mitchell (@DeputyMitchell)  
  9. Will decide nearer the time-Julian S. Wood @ideas_factory 
  10. Kids on the Net - a free online literacy resource for your classroom. What do YOU want from it? @helenwhd
  11. Use of Songsmith and Xbox Kinect to address real life issues @lanky_boi_ray    Presentation      Blog Post
  12. The Perils & Pitfalls of Mobile Tech in Schools : http://www.grumbledook.org/2011/05/the-perils-pitfalls-of-mobile-tech-in-schools/   - @grumbledook 
  13. Xtraordinary Singing (Developing students confidence to perform in front of their peers using an Xbox360) @louisedorrian http://cid-d5c6e226495c493d.office.live.com/browse.aspx/.Public
  14. 7 ideas in 7 minutes @ianaddison 
  15. Oliver Quinlan- elearnining and independence Presentation here 
  16. The Avatar Project: Turning my Classroom into a Tribe  @peter_obrien1 Presentation

Sign up to present for 7 minutes is now closed.
We have such a diverse and interesting range of presentations on offer and we want to give everyone to the chance to present on the night.


2 minute nano presentations 




If it is online please add links to your presentation or work to the title (this will speed things up on the night)


------- Sign up to make 2 minute presentations is now closed. --------


  1. Will decide nearer the time-Julian S. Wood @ideas_factory
  2. Some 'orrible techtips from the coal face - @mikemcsharry 
  3. Time Travel News - a small project using Twitter in history lessons - @chrisleach78  
  4. How I get the best from my team with Two Steps in a Polite Sandwich - hand-out available here@BlueKiteCoach
  5. How to build a simple school radio station using free web tools - @edintheclouds
  6. The Emotions of Maths and class voting systems without hardware (or software)- @gregperry_
  7. Engaging learners from the outset - creative ways into cross-curricular topics @knikidavies presentation
  8. Challenge Langley @lordlangley73 http://www.slideshare.net/lordlangley73/challenge-langley
  9. Pirates of t'North @teenytina http://slidesha.re/kjRhFL 

Sign up to present for 2 minutes is now closed.

We have such a diverse and interesting range of presentations on offer and we want to give everyone to the chance to present on the night.

Online presentations via WebEx




We are hoping to attract as many online participants as physical participants at TeachMeet Midlands 11. If you can't attend the event in person but would like to present, please feel free to register for a WebEx invitation and then sign up below and we will send you full information on how to present via WebEx (National College's web conferencing system). The same rules above apply to WebEx presentations!



  1. Not sure...Voki (again) / Prezi for beginners / 7 cool things in 7minutes? - Ian Addison @ianaddison
  2. Mashing up the curriculum digitally to enhance student learning outcomes - Ashley Proud @ashleyproud 
  3. Third WebEx presenter here - please include contact details of some sort! 


TeachEat Midlands


Thanks to generous sponsorship from Espresso / Channel 4 Learning, food and drink will be provided at the College after the event. If you want to attend TeachEat Midlands please put your name in the list below:


  1. Dughall McCormick 
  2. Michelle Hill
  3. Mary Harris
  4. Naomi Spellman 
  5. Nicki Wise 
  6. Emma Dawson
  7. Stuart Sutherland 
  8. Tom Barrett 
  9. Leon Cych 
  10. Sally Peacock
  11. Tim McShane 
  12. Julian S Wood 
  13. Jennie Martindale 
  14. Martin Adler
  15. Alex Wilde 
  16. Kerry Turner 
  17. Jo Day 
  18. Steve Carman
  19. Dan Walls 
  20. Josie Fraser 
  21. Pete Bevington 
  22. Nia Sutton 
  23. Tony Sheppard 
  24. Jo Badge 
  25. Oliver Quinlan 
  26. Marc Faulder
  27. Sue Faulder
  28. Jane Ledger
  29. Steve Sansom 
  30. Peter O'Brien  
  31. Tracey Morton
  32. Chris Parker
  33. Claire Duffin
  34. Ian Guest
  35. Steph Greenstreet 
  36. Rosie Slosek
  37. Paul Benson 
  38. Kevin Mulryne

  39. James Langley

  40. Jon Rea 

  41. Robert Steadman
  42. Vicki Cox
  43. Tina Housley
  44. Paul Scott
  45. Rick Hall 
  46. Helen Daykin
  47. Wendy Baugh
  48. Neil Phillipson 
  49. Liz Groome
  50. Sam Mitchell 
  51. Hannah Jones 
  52. Greg Perry 
  53. Mark Howell
  54. Don Ross 
  55. Sarah Davies 
  56. Neal Gough
  57. Peter Page 
  58. Anna Lees
  59. John Sutton
  60. Wendy Hill
  61. Julia Kossowska 
  62. Emma Barstow 
  63. Mark Purves







We are seeking sponsorship to fund or support the following:


  • The editing of a short film about the event
  • PA system to broadcast to and from the web conference of the event (Thanks to Dell)
  • TeachEat Midlands: food and drink for participants after the event (Thanks to Espresso / Channel 4 Learning, to Education City and to Vital CPD)
  • Access to a mailing list to promote the event to as many teachers as we can  (Thanks to Fluffy Clouds Ltd and Zondle)
  • Supply of an HD webcam for the Webex (which could be given to a school afterwards as a prize?)  (Thanks to Reel Surfer)


If you would like to sponsor the event financially or in order to make one of the above activities happen, please contact Stuart Sutherland: stuart dot sutherland @nationalcollege.org.uk

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Comments (8)

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