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teachmeet strathclyde edition

Page history last edited by Guest User 11 years, 10 months ago






Date: Wednesday 26th October 2011

Venue: Sir Henry Wood Lecture Theatre, Sir Henry Wood Building, Jordanhill Campus, University of Strathclyde
Address: 76 Southbrae Dr, Glasgow, Glasgow City G13 1PP

Time: 5:15 p.m. onwards





Hosted by:




Sponsored by:











 This is a free event for all those interested in education, learning and teaching. Teachers at any stage of their career or training, education advisors, support staff, local authority staff, and all those working in Scottish Education are welcome at the event, the more the merrier!


To sign up:


1. Click the EDIT tab at the top of this page - you'll be asked to login.

2. Note that the PBwiki system has changed, so either:

- Create a PBwiki account, which is quick and simple, and login; or

- Alternatively you can login using the limited guest account - username guest password teemhcaet

3. Return to this page and click the EDIT tab

4. Make your edit

5. Click the Save button at the foot of the page...

6. That's it!


If you can't make it in person, it will be streamed live and recorded at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tmstrathclyde 


What is TeachMeet?


Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused. This is an informal gathering of those curious about learning, teaching and education. Anyone can share great ideas they've trialled in their classrooms, learned about, ask important questions or simply sign up to take part in learning conversations.




TeachMeet Strathclyde


5.15 - 5.45pm Nibbles and refreshments

5.45 - 6.00pm Welcome and Introduction

6.00 - 7.00pm 7 and 2 minute presentations

7.00 - 7.30pm Round table exhibitions and refreshments

7.30 - 7.40pm Refreshments

7.40 - 8.15pm 'Question Time' - Panel discussion and Q&A

8.15 - 8.20pm Conclusion and close





Paul Campbell - @PCampbell91



What to Present?

If you wish to share your ideas with everyone, please sign up below, giving your name and a brief description of your subject.

You can talk about anything that has inspired you, has worked well in class, a tool, a strategy, a topic... The list is endless.

The one rule here is no selling!


You do not have to present anything, you can always be an Enthusiastic Lurker!



Seven Minute Micropresentations

▴ ▾

Whether it is about your classroom displays, encouraging speaking and listening or an engaging web tool, your talk must be about real learning activities. It must be practical and applicable.



1. Seven things you didn't know about Wikipedia - Ollie Bray (@olliebray)

2. QR Codes: What are they and why should you care? - David Muir (@DavidDMuir)

3. 'Learning in a digital age' - Jane Thomson

4. Successful collaborative group work in context - Rea Chisholm

5. Model United Nations-engaging with global citizenship Jim McDougall

6. 'The Book Project' a whole school writing and publishing project - Jackie Kane



Two Minute NanoPresentations


Whether it is about your classroom displays, encouraging speaking and listening or an engaging web tool, your talk must be about real learning activities. It must be practical and applicable.



1. tweachers- teachers using twitter for CPD Morven Skinnider (@MSkinnider)

2. Title TBC - Paul Casey (@fellfromatree)

3. 5 great places to find rights-cleared resources on the web- Andrew James

4. Title TBC (Scottish Book Trust) - Chris Leslie/ Colm Linnane

5. The Four Nations Maths Challenge - Iain Smith


Round Tables and Exhibitions

We wanted a broad range of discussion, questioning and sharing of ideas, resources and tips. So we have planned:


Round tables - This is the chance to facilitate, lead or spark discussion on issues surrounding education in Scotland today, and how this relates to the future. It could be to do with learning and teaching, the wider context of children and young people and/or the future of Scottish education. The topic is up to you!


Exhibitions - Various education partners and different organisations within and outwith the university will have exhibitions, showcasing their support materials and free resources to support learning and teaching.  


Table 1: Gender Inequalities in Literacy Development - Kathryn Lindsay (@KathrynLindsay1

Table 2: Game-Based Learning In The Primary Classroom - David Muir (@DavidDMuir) and Eilidh MacRae


Table 3: Outdoor Learning - Megan Carr


Table 4: Dance to Support Learning and Development in a 21st Century Curriculum - Gillian Kelly


Table 5:  Reflections on the Book Project - Lessons for the Future - Rebekah Hutton (@RebekahHutton1) and Fiona Telfer (@ftelfer)


Table 6: The Place of Gaelic in the Future of Scottish Education - Alasdair MacPhee  (@BEdGaidhlig)



'Education for Scotland's Future' - Question Time


There will also be a panel discussion with representatives from nursery, primary, secondary and teacher education as well as actual school pupils - discussing and answering questions from the audience to do with the future of education in Scotland.



Confirmed Panel Members:



Graham Donaldson

Graham is the current President of the
Standing International Conference of Inspectorates (SICI), which has 29 member inspectorates from across Europe. He has also undertaken country reviews of education on behalf of the OECD.


Following his retirement from HMIE, Graham was asked by the Scottish Government to undertake a national review of teacher education in Scotland. The review was successfully published in January 2011 - 'Teaching Scotland's Future'.



  Amanda Corrigan


Amanda is the course director of the B.Ed. Primary Education (Hons) degree programme at the University of Strathclyde.


In addition to her role at the University, Amanda has been involved in presenting a number of in-service training sessions on the Teaching of Mathematics in the Primary School with her colleague Shelagh Whyte. These sessions focus on interactive approaches to teaching and learning maths.




Ollie Bray


Ollie is the National Advisor for Emerging Technologies in Learning at LTScotland.


His current interests include social media in schools, computer games in education, mobile technologies, school design, outdoor learning and 21st century school leadership.

He blogs at:
www.olliebray.com and tweets at:www.twitter.com/olliebray.



Linda Brownlow


Linda is a Senior Lecturer in Education at the School of Education, University of Strathclyde.

Linda is also the Course Leader of the PGDE programme and Director of the Centre for Studies in Enterprise, Career Development and Work (Enterprising Careers).






David Noble


David Noble is Chair of the Association of Chartered Teachers Scotland. He is a classroom teacher of general subjects at HillsideSchool in Fife, a school for teenage boys who are ‘looked after and accommodated’, and is a 4th year EdD student at the University of Edinburgh. David recently published a paper, 'Technologies for career-long CPD', for the Scottish Government's Technologies for Learning Strategy. David is an educational podcaster, collaborating on the innovative Edutalk project, and is a Director of Scot-Ed Consultancy and the eLearning Alliance.



Dr Gill Robinson


Dr Gill Robinson is Chief Inspector of Education at Education Scotland.


Gill Robinson is responsible for inspection and capacity-building programmes in local authorities and CLD.


In the set up of Education Scotland, Gill is responsible for local authority scrutiny strategy.


Susan Liveston


Susan is a student in her last year of the B.Ed Primary Education (Hons) course at the University of Strathclyde.


She is also the Lead Vice President and Treasurer of the 'Continuing Professional Development in Education Society'



Susan Quinn

Susan is Vice President of the Educational Institute of Scotland. Prior to becoming Vice President she was Vice Convenor of the Education Committee of the EIS.


She is Head Teacher of St Cuthbert’s Primary in Possilpark, Glasgow and has been a teacher for 23 years. 


So post your questions for our panel:

1. In the current economic climate, is it still worthwhile pursuing the class sizes agenda (reducing class sizes)?

2. In the Donaldson report, the removal of the B.Ed. programme is recommended. What new undergraduate teacher education programme do the panel would best meet the needs of new entrants to the profession, and how does this relate to the possible accelerated entry programmes (e.g. Teach First) and the one year entry route?


3. Over the past five years, and the past decade, we have seen massive technological advancement, which has had, and will continue to have, great implications for learning and teaching 3-18. How well do the panel believe teacher education institutions, schools and local authorities to be doing in their repsonse to these developments and in meeting the needs of today's learners in a technologically advanced society?

4. With local authorities and schools being left to devise their own methods of assessment regarding experience and outcomes,  how can Scotland as a whole ensure quality across the country? 

5. There is a risk that teachers have a "tick the box, that's been covered " or "what experience and outcome does that fit in with" attitude, how can you ensure as each class progresses through the experience and outcomes that pupils are progressing with a depth to their learning and not being measured on progress of content?


6. How do the panel feel the best way could be to reconcile the contradictory recommendations that teaching become a Masters level profession yet the Chartered Teacher programme be abolished for being 'too academic'? 



7. Looking at the recommendations made in the Donaldson Review, would it be more beneficial for students to go out on placement 2 days a week instead of larger block placements?

8. Health and Wellbeing is an area of the curriculum which now is the responsibilty of all; should there be mandatory health and wellbeing courses across all initial teacher education training?

With the recent introduction of Curriculum for Excellence in schools across Scotland, how do you feel teachers are receiving it? And are they making the change necessary to make it a success?


10. Many teachers say they need a greater level of CPD, supportive measures and resources in order to make CfE a succes. But, given the current economic climate, can the government and local authorities feasibly provide this?


11. Hypothetically, had we have been in a time of prosperity rather than a recession, do you feel Curriculum for Excellence would have been implemented or received in a different way? 
12. It could be suggested that the push for Scottish Studies in our curriculum is influenced by the SNP's push for independence. If so, would you agree? And is this the best way to be going about forming education policy?   
13. How do we ensure that all learners are engaged with their reading and writing across the full breadth of the curriculum?  


Keep adding rows as and when you need to...




Enthusiastic Lurkers (Attendees) Sign Up Here


Add your name:


  Name Establishment
1 Paul Campbell - @PCampbell91 University of Strathclyde and CPD in Education Society
2 Omar Kettlewell @OmarKettlewell University of Strathclyde and CPD in Education Society
3 Laura Stoba
University of Strathclyde
4 Louise Meyers University of Strathclyde
5 Kenny Pieper
English teacher, Secondary School, South Lanarkshire
6 Morven Skinnider (@MSkinnider)
University of Strathclyde and CPD in Education Society
7 Alison Earnshaw  Uphall Primary School 
8 Lauren Hay University of Strathclyde
9 Susan Liveston (@SLiveston) University of Strathclyde and CPD in Education Society
10 Fiona Telfer University of Strathclyde
11 Paul Casey (@fellfromatree) Computing Teacher, South Lanarkshire
12 Lorna Gallagher (@Lorna_Gallagher)
Literacy and Arts Teacher, Kirn Primary, Dunoon
13 Drew Burrett (@drewburrett) Hermitage Academy, Helensburgh
14 Suzanne McGonigle University of Strathclyde
15 Elina Ojala University of Strathclyde
16 Stacey Allan University of Strathclyde
17 Kenneth McLaughlin (@ICT_Echo) University Teacher, University of Glasgow
18 Joseph Grafton University of Strathclyde
19 Nicola Finnigen University of Strathclyde
20 Andrew James Scran
21 Claire Cassidy History/Modern Studies, Cleveden Secondary, Glasgow
22 Karoline Smith RME, Vale of Leven Academy, West Dunbartonshire
23 Karen Innes - @KarenAnnInnes University of Strathclyde


Lindsay MacLeod

University of Strathclyde

25 Laura McLean University of Strathclyde
26 Kerrie Taylor
University of Strathclyde
27 Emma Flint University of Stirling
28 John Johnston @johnjohnston North Lanarkshire Council
29 Ammie Fleming University of Strathclyde
30 Holly Hamilton - @HHamilton3

University of Strathclyde and CPD in Education Society

31 Peter Munro
University of Strathclyde
32 Catriona Ralph University of Strathclyde
33 Keri Brown University of Stirling
34 Stefanie Stewart University of Stirling
35 Drew Duffy The Educational Institute of Scotland
36 Correen Dickson University of Stirling
37 Lorna Macfarlane University of Stirling
38 David Noble Association of Chartered Teachers Scotland
39 Victoria Steel University of Stirling
40 Phil Divers Holyrood Secondary School
41 Iain Morrow Oakgrove Primary School
42 Michael Hendry John Paul Academy
43 Sheila Waddle Hyndland Secondary School
44 Michelle Smith St. Teresa's Primary
45 Margaret Glasgow Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service
46 S Bhopal Hillhead High
47 Mandy Allsopp  
48 Lesley Quinn Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service
49 Jennifer Brown Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service
50 Sarah Montgomery University of Stirling
51 Alix Brown University of Strathclyde
52 Sarah McNeil University of Strathclyde
53 Kathryn Lindsay University of Strathclyde, CPD in Education Society
54 Anne Park University of Strathclyde
55 Julie Wynn University of Strathclyde
56 Kirsten Mcintosh University of Strathclyde
57 Stephanie Roy University of Strathclyde
58 Fiona Campbell University of Strathclyde
59 Ashleigh Denholm University of Strathclyde
60 Emma Grundy University of Strathclyde
61 Paul Cee University of Strathclyde
62 Kenneth McLaughlin University of Glasgow
63 Jill Denholm University of Strathclyde
64 Juliet Maxfield University of Strathclyde
65 Sarah Gardyne University of Strathclyde
66 Nicola Randall University of Strathclyde
67 Susan Steel University of Strathclyde
68 Emma Collins University of Strathclyde
69 Kathryn Kinloch University of Strathclyde
70 Lisa Johnson University of Strathclyde
71 Amanda Oates University of Strathclyde
72 Gillian Kilgour University of Strathclyde
73 Kerry MacDonald University of Strathclyde
74 Julia Fleming University of Strathclyde
75 Becca Turnbull University of Strathclyde
76 Ashley Johnston University of Strathclyde
77 Christine MacGregor Woodfarm High School, East Ren
78 Stacey Daniels University of Strathclyde
79 Hannah Ferguson
University of Strathclyde
80 Lee Sherlock
University of Strathclyde
81 Nicola Randall Woodlands Primary School
82 Carol Randall Glenboig Primary School
83 Laura Stewart SCILT, Scotland's National Centre for Languages
84 Jane Thomson Lecturer, University of Strathclyde
85 Amanda Corrigan Lecturer, University of Strathclyde
86 Linda Brownlow Lecturer, University of Strathclyde
87 Donald Christie Lecturer, University of Strathclyde
88 Graham Donaldson SICI and University of Glasgow
89 Basia Gordon Shawlands Academy
90 Samantha Gardner University of Stirling
91 Caitlin Mackie University of Stirling
92 Mary Welsh Lecturer, University of Strathclyde
93 Helen Mills University of Strathclyde
94 Rochelle Ireland University of Stirling
95 Sandra O'Neill (@CALL_soneill)  Sorry, can't make it now.

CALL Scotland, University of Edinburgh

96 Michelle Morrow Moseley University of Strathclyde
97 Caroline Shand

Eastbank Primary School

98 Katherina Miller University of Strathclyde
99 Karen Farrell Teacher
100 Rebekah Hutton University of Strathclyde, CPD in Education Society
101 Mickie Milne Hazelwood School
102 Juliette Daly Hazelwood School
103 Megan Carr
University of Strathclyde
104 Louise Ballantyne Primary 7 teacher, Glasgow
105 Shelagh Whyte Lecturer, University of Strathclyde
106 Sarah Garcia P7 Teacher, Kilbowie Primary School, West Dunbartonshire.
107 Gill Robinson Chief Inspector of Education, Education Scotland
108 Jackie Kane Principal Teacher, Primary, Glasgow
109 Gillian Lawler University of Stirling
110 Alasdair MacPhee University of Strathclyde and CPD in Education society
111 Jenna Anderson Student, Bearsden Academy
112 Claire Cassidy Lecturer, University of Strathclyde
113 Khadija Mohammed Lecturer, University of West of Scotland
114 Catriona McLaughlin Strathclyde
115 Karyn Hamilton Strathclyde
116 Kristy Dickson University of Strathclyde
117 Ciara Hall University of Strathclyde
118 Cassie Law Clackmannanshire
119 Eve Dickson
University of Edinburgh
120 Charlie Thornton
121 Kim Allan University of Strathclyde
123 Chris Marsella University of Strathclyde
124 Rachael Yates University of Strathclyde

Amy Little

University of Strathclyde
126 Ilana Rosenthal University of Strathclyde
127 Hayley McDowall University of Strathclyde
128 Mhairi Bell University of Strathclyde
129 Gagandeep University of Strathclyde
130 Annette Iafrate Gryffe High School
131 Gillian Ireland University of Stirling
132 Carly Smith Clydeview Academy
133 Rhonna Glynn University of Strathclyde
134 Sandra Sawers University of Strathclyde
135 Raisah Din University of Strathclyde
136 David McLellan University of Strathclyde
137 Amy Todd University of Strathclyde
138 Jim McDougall Hutchesons' Grammar School
139 Olivia Wexelstein Wellwood Primary School
Katie Connolly
141 Susannah Ross University of Strathclyde
142 Ollie Brae National Advisor, Education Scotland
143 Ruth Ohldag Development Officer, Education Scotland
144 Myra Struthers Early Years Team Leader, Education Scotland
145 Jean Carwood-Edwards Programme Director, Education Scotland
146 Louise Deas University of Strathclyde
147 Holly Keenan University of Strathclyde
148 Gillian Collins University of Strathclyde
149 Kim Polonis University of Strathclyde
150 Karen Murie University of Strathclyde
151 Julie Reid University of Strathclyde
152 Vince Bruce Teacher, Strathaven Academy
153 Ann D'Arcy - @MisiesD Teacher Elmvale Primary
154 Lauren Scott University of Strathclyde
155 Jill McAlpine University of Strathclyde
156 Janice Liddell University of Strathclyde
157 Mark Manson University of Strathclyde
158 Rachel Wadsworth University of Strathclyde
159 Pippa McKean Wallacewell
160 Claire Gillan  University of Strathclyde 
161 Brogan Murray   University of Strathclyde 
162 Robert Drummond  Uphall Primary School 
163 Judith Connell  University of Strathclyde 
164 Danielle McCracken  University of Strathclyde 
165 David Thom 

University of Strathclyde

166 Samantha Chew  University of Strathclyde 
167 Amanda Gray
University of Strathclyde
168 Lesley Mulgrew  University of Strathclyde 
169 Mike Ross  University of Strathclyde 
170 Trisha Telfer  University of Strathclyde 
171 Caitlin Robertson  University of Strathclyde 
172 Genna Masterton University of Strathclyde
173 Leighann Gilmour  University of Strathclyde 
174 Lisa Jensen  University of Strathclyde 
175 Johnnie McKillen University of Strathclyde 
176 Rebecca Fraser  University of Strathclyde 
177 Deborah Simpson  University of Strathclyde 
178 Diane Buchanan Early Years Development Officer, Education Scotland
179 Judy Nicoll  University of Strathclyde 
180 Susan Quinn The EIS 


Please do not add any more rows after the 180th guest.


Reserve list

Please add your name to the reserve list if the above attendance list is full.


Nicola Ross    YOU HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
Haseeba Jawad      YOU HAVE A PLACE :D
University of Strathclyde
Anna Shimmield      YOU HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
Genevieve Curran  YOU HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
Stephanie Pembrooke  YOU NOW HAVE A PALCE :D University of Strathclyde 
Sarah Watson YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D  University of Strathclyde 
Elizabeth Warne  YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
8 Greta Marnitz  YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
9 Kirsten Simpson YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D
University of Strathclyde
10 Gemma Stewart (@gem_stew) YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D English Teacher, Inverclyde 
11 Shabnam Ijaz YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
12 Emma McLaughlin YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
13 Gillian Muir YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
14 Gillian Liddle YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D
University of Strathclyde
15 Sarah McLean  YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
16 Yvonne Gibson  YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
17 Fiona McPherson YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 
18 Stephanie James YOU NOW HAVE A PLACE :D University of Strathclyde 






Webcast - http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tmstrathclyde

If you simply cannot make it out to Jordanhill, or you still want to be a part of the event but are in a different part of the country, continent or world...you can join us via our webcast. As we get closer to the event, we will post details and instructions on how to take part online, but for now, if you add your name and email address, we can get in touch with you with specific details about how to join us via weblink on the night. 





  Name (& email)
1 Iain Hallahan (@don_iain) - Going to be in London, so will need to rely on webcast  car insurance quotes


Keep adding news when you need to-


For those who can't make it in person, TeachMeet Strathclyde will be broadcast on the web, using ustream.tv (dependant on the Strathclyde network)


The stream can be viewed at -






Jordanhill Campus, University of Strathclyde is a short distance from the city centre. It's a 10 minute walk from Jordanhill train station and the 44 bus stops at the bottom of the campus.


(map courtesy of University of Strathclyde)


For Sat-Nav and online mapping directions, use the postcode 'G13 1PP'





On the night we want to capture the outcomes of discussions using Posterous at http://teachmeetstrathclyde.posterous.com/


Send your contributions to teachmeetstrathclyde@posterous.com



Just put the title 'teachmeetstrathclyde - ' followed by the title of your post in the subject line and the content of your post in the body of the message.

Include pictures, an mp3, or anything else you want to share - фотошоп скачать бесплатно.




Follow along on Twitter, so let's keep it all together and use the following tag for all posts, images, tweets and presentations to do with TeachMeet Strathclyde: #tmstrathclyde




Typically, after a TeachMeet a number of participants go out for dinner. Everyone is welcome, and for many it is as important a part of the evening as the Teachmeet.


It is expected that each person will pay for their own meal and drinks as it is unlikely that sponsorship will cover this cost.


If you you have any suggestions for a venue, please add below


  • Wetherspoons Anniesland (cheap pub food)
  • The Sisters Jordanhill (sit down restaurant- bit more expensive!)
  • Somewhere in the west end? I.e. Byres Road/Partick?
  • The Three Craws (an Ember Inn like a Harvester close to JH station)
  • Spuntini, Byres Road



Who's eating?


Please add you name, and any preference you might have, to the list below if you intend to TeachEat:


Name Preference
1. Morven
Wetherspoons (I can give people a lift there!)
2. Susan No preference but can give lifts
3. Paul 3 Craws was good last time! Easy to get to & from
4. Paul (2)
I reckon 3 craws too!!
5. Omar No pref.
6. Rebekah
 Design Services

...keep adding rows when you need to!


Who has helped to make the event happen?















Fruit Machine





Comments (1)

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at 2:00 am on Sep 28, 2012

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