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TeachMeet SLF11

Page history last edited by Guest User 8 years, 1 month ago








What is TeachMeet?




Learn something new, be amazed, amused and enthused. This is an informal gathering of those curious about teaching and learning. Anyone can share great ideas they've trialled in their classrooms, ask important questions or simply sign up to take part in learning conversations. Education professionals from all sectors are welcome to take part.


Watch this video below to find out more:





Twitter & Tags


When you are mentioning TeachMeet SLF 2011 whilst using Twitter please just add #TMSLF11 somewhere in the tweet - that way it will be picked up by a Twitter search.


You can see what's being said on Twitter about #TMSLF11 right now by clicking here!


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The Main Event


Wednesday 21st September


Venue: Glasgow Science Centre

Travelling Directions


By road - Google Maps Driving Directions


Other - travel options


View Larger Map


Compère: Jen Deyenberg


5.30 - 6.10pm Nibbles and refreshments, then introduction

6.10 - 7.00pm Four 7-minute presentations and two 2-minute presentations

7.00 - 7.25pm Round table workshops / discussions

7.25 - 7.40pm Refreshments

7.40 - 8.30pm Four 7-minute presentations and two 2-minute presentations

8.30 - 8.45pm Refreshments / Networking

8.30 - 8.35pm Close


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To share presentations, comments or thoughts from the night I have set up a Posterous account.


Just email what you would like to post to tmslf11@posterous.com and to view visit http://tmslf11.posterous.com/



What to Present?

You can talk about anything that has inspired you, has worked well in class, a tool, a strategy, a topic... The list is endless. The one rule here is NO SELLING!

Let's also agree not to cause any PowerPoint induced comas and remember technology may not always be your friend. Set up time is 2 minutes for each presentation.

You do not have to present anything, you can always be an Enthusiastic Lurker



Seven Minute Micropresentations


▴ ▾

Whether it is about your classroom displays, encouraging speaking and listening or an engaging web tool, your talk must be about real learning activities. It must be practical and applicable.


If it is online please add links to your presentation or work to the title (this will speed things up on the night).



Add your name and what you may talk about below.



  1. Colin Maxwell @camaxwell - Seven cool tools in seven minutes (or 5 cool tools and a camel in the face)
  2. Jen Deyenberg (@jdeyenberg)"Unplugd Scotland"
  3. Jim McDougall, http://jdmcd.edublogs.org/ "Comenius, Photography and CfE"
  4. Derek P. Robertson (@derekrobertson) "CPDConsolarium: Scottish Schools' GBL & Tech loan service"
  5. Joe Dale (@joedale) "Exploring the educational potential of QR codes"
  6. Charlie Love (@charlie_love) - CompEdNet - Using social networking to drive sharing and discussion
  7. Jaye Richards-Hill - The Simplicity factor




                                             No more seven minute presentations, thank you



Two Minute NanoPresentations



Whether it is about your classroom displays, encouraging speaking and listening or an engaging web tool, your talk must be about real learning activities. It must be practical and applicable.


If it is online please add links to your presentation or work to the title (this will speed things up on the night).



Add your name and what you may talk about below.


  1. John Johnston http://edutalk.cc guerrilla podcasting
  2. Joe Wilson ( @joecar ) http://paper.li/
  3. David Muir (@DavidDMuir)  Picturing Democracy
  4. Carol Parish ClickView @parishc
  5. Doug Belshaw (@dajbelshaw) - Change MOOC
  6. Mark Riches (@markriches) - National Music competition ( Next BRIT Thing )


No more two minute presentations, thank you


Name Generator


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Round table workshops/discussions


Table 1: Mobile Apps for Learning - bring your smartphone and share your favorite Apps


Table 2: David Muir (@DavidDMuir) The Book is dead - long live the eBook!


Table 3: Robert Drummond @robertd1981 Using a Wii in primary maths lessons.


Table 4: Personal Learning Network Vs Personal Support Network - Facilitator Joe Wilson


Table 5: Assessing active learning


Table 6: Bring a Fun/Creative/Interesting Way to Bring Learning to the Outdoors - Facilitator Jen Deyenberg


Table 7: Glow - Love it/Hate it/Want it - Facilitator Drew Burrett (reprise of #tmayr Round Table)


Table 8: Numeracy, Literacy, HWB: Responsibility of all or are they? - Facilitator John Sexton (@MrSMathsWizard)


Table 9: #EduScotICT - What changes, improvements would you like discussed? - Facilitator Olivia Wexelstein


Table 10:


One person from each table will capture the workshop in the form of text, images, video or audio. These will later be shared via the TeachMeet Posterous website.


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Enthusiastic Lurkers (Attendees)Sign Up Here


Add your name:

  1. Olivia Wexelstein (@owexelstein)

  2. Paul Casey (@fellfromatree)

  3. Fiona Priestley (@fionapriestley)

  4. Kirsty Forbes (@kirstyforbes)

  5. Joe Wilson ( @joecar )

  6. Drew Burrett (@drewburrett)

  7. Sarah Proctor (@historygirl27)

  8. John Sexton ( @MrSMathsWizard )

  9. Morven Skinnider (@MSkinnider)

  10. Ollie Bray (@olliebray)

  11. Carol Gibbons (@carolgolf)

  12. Annette Iafrate (@aiafrate)

  13. Paul Campbell (@PCampbell91)

  14. Susan Liveston (@SLiveston)

  15. Steven Wexelstein (@swexelstein)

  16. Alan Stewart (@atstewart) Sorry guys - too busy this year.

  17. David Gilmour (@dgilmour)

  18. Catherine Morgan (@DrCPD)

  19. Linda Lapere (@MissLapere)

  20. Colin Maxwell @camaxwell

  21. Robert Drummond (@robertd1981)

  22. Anne-Marie Weston (@amweston) Sorry guys have just started new job

  23. John Daly (@dalzinho)

  24. Shirley Campbell-Morgan (shirleycm)

  25. Kenny Pieper ( @kennypieper)

  26. Kirsty Thomson (@kirsty_thomson)

  27. Claire Hancox (@claire_hancox)

  28. Helen Greig

  29. Omar Kettlewell (@OmarKettlewell)

  30. David Noble

  31. Iain Hallahan (@don_iain)

  32. Alexander Johnston (@adj0hnst0n)

  33. Charlene Brannan (@MissBrannan)

  34. Kenneth McLaughlin (@ICT_Echo)

  35. Catriona Oates (@Catriona_O)

  36. Ellen Smith (@funkyhaggis)

  37. Alan Tullock (@orkneyalCharlie Love (@charlie_love) thx Alan.

  38. Gareth Campbell (@garethcampbell1)

  39. Susanne Henderson

  40. Judi Regan ( @judiregan ) (car sharing so need lift home!)

  41. Karen Muir (@kazmuir4)

  42. Gill Paton

  43. Jenny Harvey (@relativism) poor Jenny is not well :(

  44. Sandra O'Neill (@CALL_soneill)

  45. Sally Millar

  46. Jen Deyenberg (@jdeyenberg)

  47. John Johnston @johnjohnston

  48. Jim McDougall

  49. Christine MacGregor

  50. Sheila Waddell

  51. Inta Bakewell

  52. Lynn Donald

  53. Pippa McKean

  54. Susan D'Arcy (@MisiesD)

  55. Jennifer Clark (@jennifersyc)

  56. Susan Breckenridge

  57. Gillian Tooth

  58. Fiona MacPhail

  59. Andrew James (@irkthepurists)

  60. Stacey Allan

  61. Jackie Sangster

  62. Helen Gorman (@helengorman)

  63. Tess Watson (@tjmwatson)

  64. Joe Dale (@joedale)
  65. Hazel MacKay
  66. Lee Sherlock

  67. Dr Anke Beate-Stahl

  68. [Steps Professional Development]

  69. Megan Carr  Sorry I can no longer make it. Hope you have a great night.

  70. [Steps Professional Development]

  71. Inta Bakewell

  72. Jobina Hardy (@JobinaTwig)

  73. Sarah Garcia (@learning_cloud)

  74. Sheila Morrison

  75. Richard Elliott (@abernet)

  76. Susie Arnott (@darktigerlily) very sorry - had to leave SLF early this afternoon; not able to return this evening

  77. Sarah Tierney @sarahtierney)

  78. Naomi Walmsley

  79. Cailean Watt

  80. Natasha Stilwell

  81. Alex Morgan

  82. Mark Riches @markriches

  83. Chris Bradford (@brainpop_uk)

  84. Dorothy Coe. Finally.

  85. Eve Dickson (@evedickson)

  86. Charlie Thornton (@beyondcolouring)

  87. Steve Bunce (@stevebunce)

  88. Claire Moffat

  89. Val Adam (@Ayrshiregeog)

  90. Julie Sutherland (@julsutherland)

  91. Cassie lawyers

  92. Fiona Telfer

  93. Stuart Meldrum (@stuartmeldrum)

  94. Lindsay Odie (may struggle to be there for KO)

  95. Peter Graham

  96. Rob O'Neill

  97. Louise McDonough

  98. Scott Wilson

  99. Kirsten Grieve

  100. Lee Henning

  101. Toni Harrison

  102. Barry Reed

  103. Kirsten Birss

  104. Mark Pentleton (@markpentleton)

  105. Glenn Thomson (glennthomson@boclair.e-dunbarton.sch.uk)

  106. Ross Watson (@morayteacher)

  107. Rebekah Hutton

  108. Jaye Richards-Hill (@jayerhill)




  1. June Jelly

  2. Stephanie Anderson 



Teach Meet is now full. Please add your name to the reserve list, below, and come to the event at 5.45pm to find out if a space has become available.


111.Nicola Ness (@NikkiNess)

112. Arlene Wilson

113. Amanda Mailer

114. Annie Wright

115. Julie Ferguson

116. Kate Farrell (@digitalkatie)

117. Catherine Bain (@ceebeeK)

118.Genevieve Curran

119. Emma Cackette (@Emma19842006)



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Watch Online


If you can't make it in person, we will be streaming the evening live.


You can watch online via http://www.ustream.tv/channel/tmslf11 or by coming back to this page on the night.


Free live streaming by Ustream


Add your name below:


  1. Mandy Allsopp

  2. Jackie Maclean

  3. Caroline Breyley @carolinebreyley

  4. Anne-Marie Weston @amweston 

  5. Emma Cackette (@Emma19842006)



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Typically, after a TeachMeet a number of participants go out for dinner. Everyone is welcome, and for many it is as important a part of the evening as the Teachmeet. This year it is expected that each person will pay for their own meal and drinks as it is unlikely that sponsorship will cover this cost.


TeachEat this year will take place at India Quay.

скачать фотошоп бесплатно


Who's eating? - I have booked India Quay £12.95 per head for their buffet at 9.30pm. 181 Finnieston Street, Scotland, Glasgow G3 8HE. 0141 221 1616


Booked under "teachmeet" for whoever arrives first. Olivia and Charlene have paid a deposit and would appreciate if you could confirm you are attending by putting your name down.


Please add you name below if you intend to TeachEat:


  1. Olivia Wexelstein
  2. Fiona Priestley
  3. Kirsty Forbes
  4. Drew Burrett
  5. Joe Wilson (@joecar)
  6. Morven Skinnider
  7. Susan Liveston (@SLiveston)
  8. Steven Wexelstein (@swexelstein)
  9. Colin Maxwell @camaxwell
  10. Neil Winton (@nwinton) — Just make sure it's not a vegan restaurant! I'm still having nightmares over Stereo!
  11. Claire Hancox (@claire_hancox)
  12. Helen Greig
  13. David Noble
  14. Iain Hallahan @don_iain (possibly not eating, maybe just a snack, but will be here!)
  15. Charlene Brannan (@MissBrannan)
  16. Paul Casey (@fellfromatree)
  17. John Johnston I be happy with vegan MrW!
  18. Lynn Donald.
  19. Tess Watson (@tjmwatson)
  20. Hazel MacKay
  21. David Muir (@DavidDMuir)
  22. Dr Anke Beate-Stahl
  23. Chris Bradford (@brainpop_uk)
  24. [Steps Professional Development] x 1
  25. John Sexton (@MrSMathsWizard)
  26. Jobina Hardy (@JobinaTwig)
  27. Carol Gibbons (@carolgolf)
  28. Doug Belshaw (@dajbelshaw)
  29. Rob O'Neill
  30. Kirsten Birss
  31. Jaye Richards-Hill
  32. Cassie Law
  33. Mark Riches
  34. Jen Deyenberg



TeachEat is now full. 


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TeachMeet @SLF11 wouldn't be possible without the kind support of the companies & organisations below:


Comments (2)

Hazel MacKay said

at 2:19 pm on Aug 31, 2011

Worked it out :)

Hazel MacKay said

at 2:12 pm on Aug 31, 2011

Please do not point and laugh at the eedgit PGDE student, but I cannot for the life of me work out how to add my name the any of the lists!! Please help

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