Friday, 23th March 2012 @ SIRikt 2012, KRANJSKA GORA, SLOVENIA,

time: 17:00 - 18:30   






1. What is TeachMeet (NeTičNeMiš in Slovene )

TeachMeet is an organised (but informal) meeting for teachers to share examples of good practice,  practical innovations and personal insights of teaching with technology. одежда для полных женщин москва It is a unique gathering of teachers and educational professionals to share inspirational ideas, techniques and resources. The aim of TeachMeet is to offer an opportunity of listening to stories about learning presented by teachers. It is a chance to learn from and share success and experiences with practitioners fastest way to lose weight.


Teachers volunteered to demonstrate examples of good practice they obtained over the past years, discuss a product that enhanced an excellent classroom practice and share their stories of success in a relaxed atmosphere. It is fun and laughter that we need to learn and create. Isn’t that what we wish to achieve in the every day classroom? best designer handbags work


Teachers have 5 minutes to present their ideas. Presentations will be random.




2. When and Where


Date: Friday, March 23rd  2012 

Time: 17:00 - 18:30 (presentations start at 17:10) 

Where: SIRikt 2012, Kranjska Gora, Slovenia 



3. What can you do?

You can come by to watch, chat, meet new people … Even if you can’t come by,  the International Multiconference SIRikt 2012 will be streaming the event live on the Internet. You can watch the session here.

You will also be able to view the recording after the event using the same link.



4. A Five-minut micropresentation  

Presenters can use any presentation format, including PowerPoint, IWB, Prezi ... They can just speak, show something from the web, hold up a poster, sing a song or do something else. The important thing is that audience get the message from a presenter. Presenters will be ready for any technical difficulties and be ready to wing it on the night! That’s what makes TeachMeet exciting! 100% authentic designer handbags for less 


As TeachMeet is taking place in Slovenia for the first time, only teachers who are invited will present their ideas. You will have an opportunity to present your ideas at the next TeachMeet at the SIRikt 2013.  




Alex Hak

Soapbox, kako izboljšati upravljanje učilnice?/ Soapbox, how to improve the managing of the classroom?

Soapbox je spletni program, pri katerem učenci pri vaših urah lahko sodelujejo preko omrežja. Lahko postavljajo vprašanja in glasujejo, na katero vprašanje bi radi odgovarjali. Učitelj lahko preverja, koliko učencev je nesigurnih, katero vprašanje se jim zdi bolj pomembno, itd.  Soapbox vključuje naslednje: vprašanja iz občinstva, merilec zbeganosti oz. nesigurnosti, kvize, ankete, razpravo, itd.

Soapbox is a web-based program where students can participate online in your lessons. Students can ask questions, vote for which question to be answered, and the teacher can check how many students are confused, which question is important, etc. Soapbox features include: audience questions, confusion meter, quizzes, surveys, discussion, etc. rolex cosmograph daytona price 


Andreja Novak

Animiran pouk / Animated lessons

Kako animacije smiselno uporabiti pri pouku? Animacija je lahko motivacija ali animirana zastavitev problemske situacije. Animacija je lahko prikaz postopka reševanja. Lahko je pa tudi domača naloga in še kaj ...

How to use animations in class meaningfully? Animation can serve as a motivation or animated launch of a problem situation. Animation can demonstrate a process of solving a certain problem. It can also be set as homework and much more ...



Branka Vuk

E-learning laboratorij / E-learning Toolkit

V sklopu CARNetove e-learning akademije so bila razvita orodija za e-učenje z nazivom: E-learning laboratorij. Udeležencem (učiteljem in drugim strokovnjakom) enoletnega izobraževalnega programa Akademije za uporabo IKT pri pouku, Laboratorij služi kot prostor za testiranje in igranje. Predstavili bomo katera orodja so vključena v Laboratorij, kaj vse lahko z njimi počnemo in kako jih uporabljamo pri pouku E-learning Akademije. best place buy handbags online 

E-learning Toolkit is a set of resources consisting of various educational tools and technologies, developed for the the programs of the CARNet E-learning Academy . It is a testing ground for various e-learning tools for the participants of the E-learning Academy, a one-year educational program for the use of ICT in instruction, predominantly attended by school teachers and university professors, but also other educators. We will demonstrate the tools that the Toolkit consists of, what our participants can do with them and how are they being used within the E-learning Academy programs.


Darja Hohnjec

Vsemogoče / Miscellany

Predstavili bomo lepljenko risanih animacij z naslovom VSEMOGOČE, v programu ActivPrimary V3, ki so jih štiriletniki kreirali na računalniku z zaslonom na dotik. Gre za prikaz obogatitvene možnosti na področju ustvarjalnega izražanja otrok s pomočjo IKT.

We will present a collage of cartoon animations titled MISCELLANY, created in the program ActivPrimary V3, which the four-year olds have assembled on a touch screen computer. The presentation shows how to enrich expressing creativity  in children by the help of ICT.


Drago Jovič

Prikaz uporabe programa PortaGallery / Demonstration of the program PortaGallery

Majhen, manj ko mega velik program, ki naredi spletno html galerijo v dveh izvodih, hkrati tudi flash galerijo, katere posebnost je, da okno galerije večamo in manjšamo, kolikor želimo, pa se izbrana fotografija sama prilagaja velikosti okna. Pri izdelavi lahko natančno povemo, kolikšna naj bo največja x in kolikšna y velikost fotografije, kje naj bodo thumbi. Fotografije tudi ostri, izberemo lahko "poljubno" ozadje, tri ravni kakovosti (low, medium, max). Na vsako fotografijo lahko dodamo vodni žig z nastavitvijo prosojnosti (12 stopenj), izbiro barve žiga ...

Na koncu koncev, če želimo samo zmanjšati fotografije in jih opremiti z vodnim žigom, jih pač poberemo iz ustrezne mape, ostali del galerije pa brišemo. Saj je še več zadev, ki jih omogoča, pa je že ta zapis predolg ...

A small, less than a mega  program that makes a web html gallery in duplicate, along with the flash gallery at the same time. The uniqueness of the gallery is that its window can be blown up or reduced as much as we want, and the selected photograph automatically gets adjusted to the window size. We can freely place the thumbs and set the exact maximum x and y size of a photograph. There are three quality levels (low, medium, maximum). You can make the photos sharper and choose any background for them. Further on, a watermark with transparency adjustment (12 levels) and a choice of stamp colour can be added. If we want to make the photos smaller, equipped with a watermark, we just pick them from the appropriate folder and erase the rest of the gallery. There are many more things this program enables, but this abstract is already too long to mention all of them.


Krešimir Tomas

IKT – a je to nujno računalnik? / ICT – is this is inevitably a computer?

Uporaba IKT na potovanju ali kako znižati stroške potovanja in ostati dosegljiv / informiran?

The use of ICT on the move or how to reduce travel costs and stay online/informed at the same time?


Lorena Mihelač

IKT in glasbene prvine / ICT and music elements

Kako seznaniti dijake s prvinami glasbe s pomočjo IKT-a? Kako uporabiti zvok kot osnovo za medpredmetno povezovanje in kakšna je vloga novih tehnologij pri tem?

How to make our students familiar with music elements by the help of ICT? How to use the sound as a basis for cross-curricular integration? What role do new technologies play at it? designer copy handbags 


Maja Vičič Krabonja

S prstom po zemljevidu / With your finger across the map

Predstavljena bo izdelava zemljevidov, ki omogočajo prikaz poteka potovanj z vstavljanjem slik in besedil, prikaz širjenja procesov in pojavov. Prikazan bo primer didaktične rabe, udeleženci pa se bodo naučili nekaj uporabnih trikov.

We will describe how to create maps that can display a conducted tour by inserting images and texts. Further on, we will also show how to display expanding of processes and phenomena on the maps. A demonstration of didactic applications will be given, so participants will be able to pick up some useful tricks.


Mojca Suban Ambrož


Fotografija ponuja široke možnosti za dvig stopnje razumevanja matematičnih pojmov, konceptov in postopkov. Matematika ima veliko obrazov, ki jih je s tehnologijo moč zabeležiti ter uporabiti kot didaktični pripomoček. Uzavestiti in izostriti občutek za matematiko v različnih pojavnih oblikah je začetni korak v procesu. Uvideti in izrabiti potencial posnetkov, jih nadgraditi in razvijati s podporo (matematične) programske opreme ali grafičnega računala, pa so nadaljnji koraki. Predstavitev bo postregla z nekaterimi primeri uporabe. Predstavljena bo tudi možnost za tiste, ki beležijo matematiko na fotografiji.

Photography offers great opportunities to raise understanding of mathematical terms, concepts and procedures. Mathematics' multifoldedness can be recorded by technological devices, which can be then used as a teaching aid. The initial step in the process is to get some affinity for the science called mathematics in its various forms.The further steps are: realizing the potential of the recordings, exploiting this potential, upgrading and developing the recordings with the support of (mathematical) software or graphic calculators. The presentation will give some examples of its practical use. Apart from this, an opportunity for those who record mathematics in the photograph will be presented.


Simona Cajhen, Gorazd Sotošek

IKT koraki na poti k večjezičnosti / ICT steps on the road to multilingualism

Namen predstavitve z naslovom IKT koraki na poti k večjezičnosti je poudariti pomen znanja, ne samo enega tujega jezika, temveč več tujih jezikov, saj se tovrstno znanje med seboj dobro nadgrajuje in dopolnjuje. Učitelj lahko pri uvajanju novega tujega jezika izhaja iz znanj, ki jih učenci že imajo, in jih tako še dodatno opogumi in globlje motivira za učenje novega tujega jezika, pri čemer mu je v dodatno pomoč sodobna tehnologija. Pojem večjezičnosti bo z uporabo i-table prikazan na slikovit in dinamičen način, predvsem z uporabo glasbe in videa, ki predstavljata pri pouku tujega jezika pomemben motivacijski element.

Pomembno je, da se učenje različnih jezikov  med seboj smiselno dopolnjuje in navezuje na že znano in usvojeno.

The purpose of the presentation titled ICT steps towards multilingualism is to emphasize the importance of mastering not just one foreign language, but several foreign languages. In such a case, interweaving, comparing  and complementary processes  are spontaously triggered . When introducing  a new language, the teacher can build on the knowledge that students already possess; in this way he/she  encourages and  motivates them for learning a new language - by the help of modern technology. The concept of multilingualism will be demonstrated on the i-board in an interesting and dynamic way, particularly by the help of music and video, which is an important motivating factor in teaching foreign languages.

Learning several foreign languages at a time has to be logically interwoven and it should base on the already acquired knowledge.


Tatjana Lotrič Komac

Avatar namesto učitelja? / An avatar instead of the teacher?

Če bomo delali (najmanj) do 65 leta, je priložnost za mladosten videz (brez botoksa) tudi Voki. Naj nas vsaj kdaj v razredu ali spletni učilnici zamenja avatar in nam olajša delo. Pa še učencem in dijakom bomo verjetno bolj všeč. Tudi to nekaj šteje, kajne?

If we have to work (at least) till 65th year of age before we get retired, Voki will willingly lend us its youthful appearance (not botox). So why not to let an avatar do the teacher's job in the classroom or virtual classroom occasionally? Our pupils will be probably even more enthusiastic about it. And isn't  the students' enthusiasm what really matters?


Urška Bučar

Sledi in matematični prikazi z i-tablo / Traces and mathematical presentations with the i-board

Prikazana bo didaktična vrednost i-table ter drugih IKT sredstev pri usvajanju učnih vsebin s področja SPO in medpredmetne povezave z matematiko. Posledica gibanja so sledi, ki jih še posebno v zimskem času lahko raziskujemo v naravi. Skupaj z učenci smo iskali sledi, njihove slike in različna učna gradiva smo vstavili v spletno učilnico, z medpredmetno povezavo prikazov pri matematiki (Carrollov, puščični, drevesni prikaz in preglednice) pa smo znanje o njih utrdili.

This presentation will feature a didactic value of the i-board and other ICT resources in acquiring learning contents from the subject SPO - Spoznavanje okolja (Getting to know the environment) in its correlation with mathematics. Together with the students we were looking for traces animals and people have left in the snow, we took pictures of them and published various teaching materials in connection with the traces in the web classroom. In order to consolidate the knowledge, in the cross-curricular cooperation with mathematics we drew illustrations or sketches (Carroll's, arrow-shaped, tree- shaped illustrations and tables).


Viljenka Šavli

Dober glas seže v deveto vas / "Good reputation can reach the 9th village"

Splet se razvija z nadzvočno hitrostjo in dnevno ponuja nove, za pouk aktualne, uporabniku prijazne, a tehnološko zahtevne storitve, kot so video, podcasti, animacije, interaktivne simulacije itd. Tokratna predstavitev se že po naslovu sodeč ukvarja dobesedno ali v prenesenem pomenu z "glasom", torej z govorom, ki je posebej pri pouku jezikov osrednjega pomena. Prikazane bodo različne zabavne oblike uporabe zvočnih zapisov, od priprave in uporabe gradiva, poslušanja, spreminjanja besedila v zvočno, snemanja, shranjevanja in pošiljanja posnetkov. Ne nazadnje pa je beseda glas prisotna tudi pri glasovanju, ki bo zaokrožilo to predstavitev. Obljublja se torej za vsakogar nekaj, zato gre ta dober glas za Vas.

(A direct translation of a Slovene saying which means that you don't have to praise yourself if you are good, as the reputation will spread by itself.)

The internet is evolving at supersonic speed. On a daily basis it offers new user-friendly, but technologically demanding services, such as video, podcasts, animations, interactive simulations, etc. All these new services are very useful for educational purposes, too.This year's presentation is dealing with speaking, an important activity of any language classroom. Various entertaining uses of sound recordings will be featured, from preparation and use of materials, listening, turning the text into the sound, recording, storing and sending the recordings.

The presentation will close by voting. All in all, there will be something useful for everyone, so this is a good reason to join us.




Nives Markun Puhan, To ni tisto, kar ste mislili, da je

Predstaviti želim možnost uporabe merilnika števila korakov  ali aplikacije 'pedometer' na pametnem telefonu. Koliko korakov moramo narediti da porabimo energijo slaščice, bureka, hamburgerja...?

I want to present the possibility of using a special gauge for counting steps; it is an application on your smartphone called  'pedometer'. How many steps do we need to consume the callories of a cake, burek, hamburger ...?





5.  Twitter & Tags

If you mention TeachMeet SIRikt while using Twitter, please add #tmsirikt somewhere in the tweet so that it can be picked up by a Twitter search.


Check out what is being said on Twitter about tmsirikt right now by clicking here!


Let us keep it all together and use the following tag for all posts, images, tweets and presentations to do with TeachMeet, SIRikt 2012, tmsirikt



6. Organisers

Amela Sambolić Beganović, @asambo5

Andreja Bačnik, @ABacnik

Tatjana Lotrič Komac,

Sašo Stanojev, @sasostanojev


7. Sponsors